#news #listening #level2
🚑 Car Hits People – level 2 🚑
🌵 People were protesting a white nationalist march in a town in Virginia. A car drove into the people. It hurt nineteen people and killed a woman. A camera filmed the moment of the attack.
The driver of the car is 20 years old and he is from Ohio. Police arrested him. President Trump condemned the attack and called for peace. 🌵
Difficult words:
🔘 march (protest),
🔘 drive into ( to hit someone or something while driving )
🔘 condemn (say that something is very bad).
🕹 راهپیمایی، تظاهرات ( اعتراض )
🕹 به کسی یا چیزی صدمه زدن هنگام رانندگی
🕹 محکوم کردن
🏡 @English_House 🏡
#quote #حدیث #امام_علی
❣ quote of the day
امیرالمومنین علیه السلام می فرمایند :
🎈 بهترین دانش آن است که رشد و هدایت خود را با آن سامان دهی و بدترین دانش آن است که آخرت خویش را با آن تباه گردانی.
🎈 The best Knowledge is that by which you perfect your growing and guidance and the worst one is that by which you spoil your Hereafter.
غرر الحکم و درر الکلم، جلد 1، صفحه 352
🏡 @English_House 🏡
#story #level2 #part1
💛 💛 The Golden Seal 💛 💛
🌪🌊 A Big Storm 🌊🌪
Tania put her face in her hands. “ Oh, no. No. No. "
With a noise like a big, angry animal, the storm arrived. ☄
❄️ Unimak is one of the Aleutian
Islands, near Alaska. It is a
small, cold island-a difficult place
for people. For many years there were
no people there.
Then, one day, an American man
and a young Aleutian woman moved
to the island and called it home. They
shot rabbits and bears for food. There
were salmon in the rivers, too. A little
boy arrived and the family was happy.
The three of them all watched for an
animal from Aleutian stories-the
beautiful golden seal. They looked
every day for a golden seal, but they
didn't see one.
One late summer evening, Jim Lee walked down to the beach.
At this time of day, rabbits usually played in the sand dunes and
there were wild geese in the sky. But this evening the island was
very quiet. ❄️
🐡 island ↪️ (n) We stayed for two weeks on an island in the Pacific Ocean.
🐡 shot ↪️ (v, past of shoot) He is at the police station because he shot a man.
🐡 beach ↪️ (n) Let's go to the beach and swim in the ocean.
🐡 sand dune ↪️ (n) Let's play in the sand. Behind the beach there are tall sand dunes.
🐠 جزیره
🐠 شلیک کردن
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🐠 تپه شن و ماسه
🏡 @English_House 🏡