هدایت شده از English House
#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
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هدایت شده از English House
#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
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#story #level2 #chapter1 #part7
💛 The Golden Seal 💛
chapter 1
part 7
🌦 There was a small noise at the front
door of their house. It wasn't the wind.
"Eric!" Jim said, and moved quickly off the bed.
"No!" Tania said. Who was it? What was it? "No.
It's not Eric. Don't open the door."
Jim didn't listen to her. He opened the door and a
man fell into the room. His hands were blue with cold,
and his face was red with blood. He fell at Tania's feet
and didn't move. 🌦
💧 off the bed
💧 his hands were blue with cold
💧 his face was red with blood
💧 feet ( plural of foot )
⬅️ پایین آمدن از تخت ، جدا شدن از رختخواب
⬅️ دستهاش از شدت سرما آبی بود
⬅️ صورتش با خون قرمز شده بود ( خونین بود )
⬅️ پاها ( جمع پا )
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27.54M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
#grammar #present_progressive
📙 English teaching
📘 present progressive ( continuous )
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#quote #حدیث #امام_عسکری
🌤 quote of the day
امام حسن عسکري عليه السلام می فرمایند :
👒 نشانه های مؤمن پنج چیز است: 1پنجاه و یک رکعت نماز (واجب و مستحب در شبانهروز)، 2 زیارت اربعین، 3 انگشتری در دست راست کردن، 4 پیشانی بر خاک گذاشتن و 5 «بسم الله الرَّحمنِ الرَّحیم» را بلند گفتن.
👒 Five things are signs of a believers: 51 rakahs of prayer (obligatory and recommended in night and day), Zīāratu Arbaīn, wearing ring in the right hand, prostrating on soil, and saying bismilah loudly.
وسائل الشیعه، جلد ۱۰ صفحه ۳۷۳
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