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مشاهده در ایتا
🔻الإمامُ عليٌّ عليه السلام : أعظَمُ الذُّنوبِ عِندَ اللَّهِ سبحانَهُ ذَنبٌ صَغُرَ عِندَ صاحِبِهِ . 🔻امام على عليه السلام : بدترين گناه در نظر خداى سبحان گناهى است كه گنهكار ، آن را ناچيز انگارد . 🔻Imam Ali (AS), 'The worst of sins in the sight of Allah is the sin which its perpetrator deems insignificant.' Ghurar al-Hikam @English_4U
توضیح لغات مهم
easy come, easy go also, quickly come quickly go Meaning | Synonyms readily won and readily lost when someone is not overly concerned about losing something If something is easy to obtain then you are less worried about losing it quickly come, quickly go lightly come, lightly go Example sentences I won a lot of money at the casino last night but lost it on my way out. Oh well, easy come, easy go. She isn’t used to working for her own money, her husband gives her everything that she wants. She has even crashed her new car. I guess it’s a case of easy come, easy go. I never really applied for my job, I just kind of lucked into it. That’s why I wasn’t that disappointed when I lost it. Easy come, easy go. Easy come, easy go, that’s how it is for her when she invests in the stock market. Rick earned lots of money illegally but today he has nothing left. Quickly come, quickly go! Origin It is a very informal phrase that is not used in formal situations. The phrase has been used for decades, it is not known where it originated from. The sentiment is expressed in different ways in a variety of proverbs. The phrase used to be “lightly come, lightly go” or “quickly come, quickly go.” These have been around since the 1600s. Since the 1800s the phrase has changed to the one that we use today. 📒@English_4U
A: Excuse me, Professor. I am going to miss next week's class. B: Is this something that you could schedule for another time? A: No, I have to do this; it's important! B: Have you arranged for someone to take notes for you? A: I've made arrangements with a friend to help me. B: You know that I only allow one absence per semester, don't you? A: Yes, I know. B: Write down your name and the date on a piece of paper and give it to me. A: OK, I can do that. B: Well, have a good day off from class. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
A: Professor, I will not be here for our next class meeting. B: Is this absolutely necessary? A: I tried to work something out, but I really do have to miss one class. B: Will you be able to make up the work you missed? A: I'm going to be doing a lot of extra reading. B: Remember that I will only let you miss one class meeting per semester. A: Yes, I remember. B: Could you e-mail me this week as a reminder? A: Sure, no problem. B: Make good use of that day off; you'll only have one this semester! ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
A: I have to miss school next week. B: Isn't there some way you could work your schedule out to be here? A: Unfortunately, this is what I have to do. B: How are you going to catch up? A: I've got it all covered. B: If you miss this class, you will have used up your quota for the semester. A: Don't worry, this will be the last class I miss. B: Make sure to remind me right before you are absent. A: I'll remember. B: Enjoy your day off and don't forget to study! ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
Holy Quds calls all Muslims in the world @English_4U
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Qatar’s Al Jaber Twin Towers lit up with the Palestinian flag in solidarity with the oppressed nation. @English_4U
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
Back Of The Bus Imagine having to sit at the back of the bus, just because of your skin color. Less than 100 years ago, it was common in the United States to block African Americans from job opportunities, stores, and restaurants that were only for white people. They were also banned from many public services and forced to use lower quality public toilets, hospitals, and even schools. Sitting in the front of a public bus was just one form of legal discrimination that African Americans faced at that time. انتهای اتوبوس تصور کن که تنها به خاطر رنگ پوستت، بایستی در انتهای اتوبوس بنشینی! کمتر از 100 سال پیش در آمریکا، کاملاً مرسوم بود که آمریکاییهای آفریقاییتبار از فرصت‌های شغلی، مغازه‌ها و رستوران‌هایی که مختص سفیدپوست‌ها بود، محروم شوند. آن‌ها همچنین از خیلی از سرویس‌های عمومی محروم بودند و مجبور بودند که از توالت‌های بیکیفیت، و بیمارستان‌ها و مدارس سطح پایین‌تری استفاده کنند. نشستن در انتهای اتوبوس‌های عمومی تنها یکی از قوانین تبعیض‌آمیزی بود که در آن سال‌ها، آمریکاییهای آفریقاییتبار با آن مواجه بودند. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
In 1865, slavery was made illegal, but black people’s lives didn’t get much easier. They were often accused of crimes they didn’t commit. They were jailed and even killed for no reason in the early 1900s. In the 1950s, blacks were still treated like second-class citizens, but their tolerance had grown thin . در سال 1865، در آمریکا، برده‌داری غیرقانونی شد. اما زندگی سیاه‌پوستان آن‌چنان که بایدوشاید، بهتر نشد. آن‌ها معمولاً متهم به انجام جنایاتی میشدند که آن را مرتکب نشده بودند. آن‌ها، در اوایل قرن 19، بدون هیچ دلیلی به زندان میفتادند و حتی کشته میشدند. تا سال 1950، با سیاه‌پوستان هنوز مثل شهروند درجه‌ی دوم برخورد میشد اما اینجا بود که دیگر صبرشان لبریز شد ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
Rosa Parks is a famous African American woman who is known as the mother of the Civil Rights Movement. She started this movement of non-violent resistance by refusing to give up her bus seat for a white person. She’s still celebrated today for her courage. What many people don’t know is that Rosa Parks wasn’t the first African American woman to do this. Just nine months earlier, 15-year-old Claudette Colvin had bravely done the exact same thing.. روزا پارکس، یک زن مشهور آمریکایی آفریقاییتبار است که به مادر جنبش حقوق مدنی مشهور گشته است. او، حرکت مقاومت مسالمت‌آمیز خود را با امتناع از ترک کردن صندلی اتوبوس خود، برای مردی سفیدپوست، شروع کرد. و هنوز به خاطر این حرکت شجاعانه‌اش مورد تحسین قرار گرفته است. اما چیزی که اغلب مردم نمیدانند این است که روزا پارکس، اولین زن سیاه‌پوستی نبود که این کار را انجام داد. نه ماه قبل از روزا، یک دختر 15 ساله سیاه‌پوست دیگر، به اسم کلودت کالوین دقیقاً همین کار را انجام داده بود. ✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛
✨↻𝑗𝑜𝑖𝑛↷✨ ┏⊰✾✿✾⊱━━─━┓ @English_4U💛 ┗━─━━⊰✾✿✾⊱┛