فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
چرا حرف C یه جاهایی صدای /s/ میده، یه جاهایی صدای /k/؟؟؟؟
از کجا متوجه بشیم چه صدایی داره؟🤔🤔
الان بهت میگم😉
حرف C اگر با حروف i و e و y ترکیب بشه، صدای /s/ میگیره.
اما در ترکیب با بقیه حروف، صدای /k/ داره.
به همین سادگی👒
Center: /senter/ مرکز
Cat: /kat/ گربه
ایتالیاییها وقتی میخوان بگن
تو نیمهی گمشدهی منی
«sei la mia anima gemella♥️ »
خیلی قشنگه ها • ♡:))
به انگلیسی میشه:
You are my soul mate💞
حضرت مهدی عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف:
فَإِنـّا نُحيطُ عِلمـُنا بِأنْبـائِكُمْ، وَلا يَعْزُبُ عَنّا شَى ءٍ مِنَ أخبارِكُمْ
(الاحتجاج/ طبرسی، ص 497)
“We are aware of your news and issues, and nothing about your situation is hidden from us.”
ما بر اخبار و مسائل شما آگاه هستیم و
چیزی از اوضاع شما بر ما پوشیده نیست.
George was a newspaper reporter who worked for a small local newspaper in a country town. Nothing much ever happened there.
One day George’s boss sent for him.
‘George,’ he said, James Bright is making a speech at the Town Hall tonight. I want you to go and report on it for us.
‘James Bright?’ said George. ‘He’s a terrible old fool, He never says anything worth reporting.
‘Bright is our best-known local politician,’ said the boss. ‘We’ll have to print a report on that speech.
So George went to the meeting and Bright spoke for two hours without stopping. When George got back to the office at last, the boss was waiting for him.
‘Well, George,’ he said. ‘What did the old man say?’
Absolutely nothing,’ said George.
The boss wasn’t surprised, ‘All right, George,’ he said. ‘You’d better not write more than two and a half columns on it.’
جرج يك خبرنگار روزنامه بود كه براى يك روزنامه كوچك محلى در حومة شهر كارمىكرد. درآنجا اتفاق زيادى نمیافتاد.
یک روز رئیس جرج او را احضار كرد.
او گفت: جرج امشب جيمز برايت در شهردارى یك سخنرانى دارد. ازتـو ميخواهيم به آنجا بروى و گزارشى براى ما تهيه كنى.
جرج گفت: جيمز برايت؟ اويك پيرمرد نادان و ترسناک است. او هرگز چيز با ارزشى براى گزارش نمیگويد.
رئيس گفت: برايت مشهورترين سياستمدار محلى ماست، ما بايد گزارشى از آن سخنرانى چاپ كنيم.
بنابراين جرج به سخنرانى رفت و برايت بـدون وقفه دو سـاعت صحبـت كـرد. بالاخره وقتى جرج به اداره برگشت، رئيس منتظر او بود.
او گفت: خب جرج، پيرمرد چه گفت؟
جرج گفت: قطعٱ هيچ چیز.
رئيس تعجبى نكرد و گفت: درسته جرج بيش از دو ستون و نيم درگزارش ننويسى.
If the conversation between you and I ended,
and the ways of connection were cut off,
And we became strangers with each other..
Get to know me again.
"اگر سخن میانِ من و تو پایان یافت
و راههایِ وصال قطع شدند
و جدا و غریبه گشتیم
از نو با من آشنا شو"
👤نزار قبانی
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
How to take taxi? 🤔🚕
آموزش Neither و Either
💦وقتی جمله منفی است و می خواهیم تایید خود را هم در جواب گوینده اعلام کنیم از neither و either استفاده میکنیم.
🔻Example 🔻
✅I can't stand noisy neighbors.
>> Neither can I.
>> I can't either.
من نمی توانم همسایه های پر سر و صدا را تحمل کنم.منم همینطور >> منم نمیتونم.
✅I haven't done the homework.
>> Neither have They.
>> They haven't either.
من تکالیف را انجام نداده ام آنها هم همینطور >> آنها هم همینطور (انجام نداده اند).
✅I didn't go to the cinema.
>> Neither did I.
>> I didn't either.
من سینما نرفتم. >> من هم این کار را نکردم >> من هم نرفتم.
✅She won't be there.
>> Neither will I.
>> I won't either.
او آنجا نخواهد بود. >> من هم همین طور >> منم نمیروم.
✅They weren’t invited.
>> Neither were we.
>> We weren't either.
اونا دعوت نشدند. ماهم همینطور >> ما هم (دعوت)نبودیم.
✅Actually I'm pleased you don't want to go, because I don't either.
در واقع خوشحالم که نمیخواهی بروی چون من هم نمیخواهم.
‼️نکته :
همونطور ک متوجه شدید، برای استفاده از neither, معمول هست ک جای فعل و فاعل جابجا میشه. ولی جمله حالت سوالی نداره.
A shape moved through the dark streets. It was terribly cold and it was snowing. The shape slowly came closer. It was a little girl.
Her clothes were dirty, and she had no shoes. Some time ago she had slippers.
Unfortunately, she lost them.
Her shoes were once her mother’s.
But they were so big.
One day, when she was running across a street, they fell off. The snow was falling from the beautiful winter sky.
It was New Year’s Eve. The streets were almost empty now. Everyone was inside their warm homes.
The little girl walked in the snow with bare feet.
In her hands, she was carrying some matches. Every day, she went out to sell matches.
But today she didn’t sell any.
She was so cold but she couldn’t go home.
When she didn’t sell any matches, her father would beat her.
“Oh! I am so hungry,” she said.
“I want to eat something. I am so cold too,” she thought.
She walked past some houses.
Through the windows, she could see bright lights shining.
Then, she smelled some meat roasting.
It was painful to her.
She was so hungry.
“I want to eat that delicious meat,” she thought.
“So many people are spending a wonderful time with their families. They are eating wonderful food.”
On this terrible day, she found a corner and sat down.
She tried to warm herself.
But she only became colder.
Her body was like ice.
She rubbed her hands together to make them warm.
It was useless.
“Ah! The matches,” she thought.
“Just one! It will make my hands warmer,”
She took one match and struck it against the wall.
She was amazed.
“Oh, it is so beautiful!” she thought.
She felt the warmth from that one tiny match.
Suddenly, everything became very strange.
The little girl was in a new place.
There was a large stove in front of her.
“What is this?” she asked.
“This stove is so warm.”
She felt the warmth from that wonderful stove.
“I want to stay here forever.”
She put her hands closer to the stove.
In a flash, everything was gone.
She looked at her hand.
In her hand was the burnt match.
She felt very disappointed.