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فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
🦁 #idiom
👉 means “major share of something.”
بخش عمده ، بزرگترین سهم ،
بزرگترین و بهترین بخش چیزی
Usage in a TV series ("Desperate Housewives"):
- Oh, my God! You guys are just getting started, and you're already kicking ass! I am so proud of you!
- Well, it was mostly Renee. She did the lion's share of the work. She's an amazing woman.
- Yeah.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
هدایت شده از English House
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
👑 #idiom
👉 means “to fit perfectly.”
کاملاً اندازه بودن ،
درست قالب تن بودن
Usage in a movie ("Oz the Great and Powerful"):
- Oh... My scepter.
- Oh, yes, go on and have a seat!
- How does it feel?
- Fits like a glove!
🏡 @English_House 🏡
گروه چت و رفع اشکال
گنجینه لغات انگلیسی
🌺 @Essential_English_Words
Idiom of the Day
📚« pop the question »
If you « pop the question », you ask someone to marry you.
خواستگاری کردن [غیر رسمی]
❕For example:
🔺In most European cultures, it's the man who pops the question to the woman if he wants to marry her.
در بیشتر فرهنگ های اروپایی، این مرد هست که از زن خواستگاری میکنه، اگه بخواد باهاش ازدواج کنه.
🔺Isabella said she nearly died when Rafael « popped the question ». She had no idea he was going to propose to her there.
ایزابلا گفت وقتی رافائل ازش خواستگاری کرد نزدیک بود بمیره! اون (ایزابلا) نمی دونست که او (رافائل) اونجا میخواد بهش پیشنهاد ازدواج بده.
#idiom #اصطلاح
🏡 @English_House 🏡
#news #level3 #listening
Jordan Ends a Law
Level 3
In Jordan, a law called Article 308 allowed rapists to marry their victims as a way to avoid punishment, and the Ministry of Justice said that 159 rapists took advantage of the legalloophole from 2010 to 2013. A woman from the Supreme Council for Jordanian Women Forum asked how could a woman be forced to live with her rapist, pointing out that a rapist takes away the woman’s honour, dignity and life.
Some lawmakers argued that victims needed the law to avoid social stigma, but the politicians in the lower house decided to get rid of all the loopholes. Now the politicians in the upper house, as well as Jordan’s king, need to ratify the decision.
Difficult words:
📪 Ministry of Justice
📪 legal loophole (a way to avoid being in trouble without breaking a law),
📪 Supreme Council for Jordanian Women Forum
📪 take away
📪 honour
📪 dignity ( respect ),
📪 social stigma (when people look down on you for something that happened to you),
📪 lower house (part of Jordan’s government),
📪 get rid of
📪 upper house (part of the rest of the government),
📪 ratify (make something official by signing it).
📬 وزارت دادگستری
📬 راه گریز قانونی
📬 شورای عالی انجمن زنان اردن
📬 بردن
📬 شرف و نجابت
📬 عزت و احترام
📬 ننگ اجتماعی
📬 یک قسمت از مجلس اردن
📬 خلاص شدن از شر
📬 قسمت دیگری از مجلس اردن
📬 تصویب کردن
🏡 @English_House 🏡
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