#quote #حدیث #امام_باقر
💢 هزینه استفاده از مطالب کانال، روزی ۱۴ صلوات جهت سلامتی و تعجیل در ظهور امام زمان
💢 این کار بهانه ایست برای اینکه هر کدام از ما در حد توان قدمی هر چند کوچک در راه امام زمانمان برداریم.
🌷 quote of the day
امام محمد باقر عليه السلام می فرمایند :
☘ مبادا مذاهب [انحرافی] شما را با خود ببرند. به خدا سوگند شیعیان ما، تنها، کسانی هستند که خدا را اطاعت میکنند.
☘ Do not be carried away by [false] doctrines. By God, our followers (Shī‘a) are none but those one who obey God.
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💦 idiom of the day
🎊 at once
🎊 فورا ، همین الان ، یکسره ، یکباره
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#news #listening #level1
👰🤵 Wedding Party in the Water – level 1
💦 This news is from Minnesota, USA. Two people get married. They are with their wedding party. Everybody is on a dock.
The dock is small. There are 22 people on it. The dock breaks. A few people run away, but most people fall in the water. A camera films this moment. It is a funny moment. 💦
Difficult words:
🔸 get married ( to become man and wife ),
🔸 party ( group of people who go somewhere together ),
🔸 dock ( wooden walkway where ships can stop in the water ).
🔸 break
🔸 ازدواج کردن
🔸 مهمانی
🔸 اسکله
🔸 شکستن
🏡 eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
#news #listening #level2
👰🤵 Wedding Party in the Water – level 2
💦 A camera captured a funny moment in Minnesota. It showed a wedding party on a dock.
There were 22 people there and the dock was small. The dock collapsed. A couple of bridesmaids ran away, but the rest of the people were in waist-deep water.
As the guests arrived for the wedding, the wedding party was still wet. 💦
Difficult words:
🔹 party (group of people who go somewhere together),
🔹 collapse (fall),
🔹 bridesmaid(woman who helps the bride on her wedding day).
🔹 مهمانی
🔹 افتادن ، سقوط کردن
🔹 ساقدوش عروس
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#news #listening #level3
👰🤵 Wedding Party in the Water – level 3
💦 In Minnesota, USA, the bride groom and the whole wedding party took the plunge into a lake at a wedding.
A video caught the moment that Dan and Jackie Anderson were dunked into a lake. They had just lined up on a dock with their groomsmen and bridesmaids for a photo shoot. This was before their wedding began.
The weight of the 22 people was too heavy, and the dock collapsed beneath them, which resulted in the whole wedding party getting soaked. Screams and laughter echoed around the lake, and some of the bridesmaids were able to dash off. The rest of the group was in waist-deep water. 💦
Difficult words
▪️ take the plung
▪️ dunk into
▪️ line up
▪️ groomsmen
▪️ photo shoot
▪️ beneath
▪️ soak
▪️ echo
▪️ dash off
▪️ waist-deep
▪️ فرو رفتن ، غوطه ور شدن
▪️غوطه ور شدن
▪️مرتب کردن
▪️ساقدوش داماد
▪️ عکس گرفتن
▪️ زیر
▪️ خیس شدن
▪️ انعکاس صدا
▪️جیم شدن
▪️ غوطه ور تا کمر
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