Secrets of Earth and Time -
Today's civilization is shrunk (Part II)
[previous post]
You have always seen mountains and heights all over the earth as if they were huge trees and cut them down. However, it never occurred to you that maybe this time, your imagination is right, and what you have seen are really ancient trees that are huge and even unimaginable on a today's scale.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 1
Two colleagues are talking ...
Colleague 1: That's a fantastic idea. Now you just need a budget to move it forward.
Colleague 2: It is always difficult to sell a new idea to the conservative types who control the purse strings.
Colleague 1: Well, they are the gatekeepers after all. If an idea really has merit, then the accounting and financial department will see the benefits and you will get a budget.
Colleague 2: I suppose I had better tighten up the business case and make sure there is a healthy return on investment, then.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
Idiom Scenario 2
Two friends are talking ...
Friend 1: Are you coming golfing on Sunday?
Friend 2: I had better check with my wife. Golf is expensive.
Friend 1: Oh, that's right, she controls the purse strings in your household.
Friend 2: Yes. She is really wise with money matters. If she were not in charge of our finances, we wouldn't be doing anywhere near as well as we are.
🏡 @English_House 🏡
دکتر کاظم فولادی قلعه
سرپرست آزمایشگاه پژوهشی فضای سایبر دانشگاه تهران
با موضوع «عملیات سایبری منجر به شهادت حاج قاسم»
📅 یکشنبه ۱۲ دی ۱۴۰۰
⏰ ساعت ۱۲:۴۰ (پس از آئین نماز جماعت)
🕌 مسجد امام علی علیهالسلام
🔶 دانشکدگان فارابی دانشگاه تهران
🆔 @ut_cyber
🌺 گروه چت و رفع اشکال انگلیسی
🌺 گروه ویس انگلیسی
🌺 گنجینه لغات انگلیسی 👇
🌺 گروه دوستانه زبان آلمانی
Secrets of Earth and Time
Today's civilization is shrunk (Part One)
Scholars who call themselves ancient scholars of truth, metaphysics, and other similar stories have so far interpreted the "tree of life," which is the outstanding of ancient works and narratives, as anything but the tree itself.
They have not even paid attention to the traditions of the ancient Indians and Sumerians who defined the tree of life as the source of life on earth; Because they still prefer to call their tastes and imaginations the truth and show it, and continue to dream, and sell pride and be happy.
For a start, however, we must go back to 140 years ago, when the provincial newspaper Vologda revealed an important secret in an article; "Everything seems to have shrunk in modern civilization, from fish and rivers to even trees, which today are not even counted as shrubs compared to old trees ..."
🏡 @English_House 🏡
English House
🔺 رازهای زمین و زمان -
تمدن امروزی آب رفته است
(بخش نخست)
پژوهشگرانی که خود را محقق باستان و حقیقت و ماورا و سایر قصص مشابه میخوانند، تا کنون «درخت زندگی» را که سرسبد آثار و روایات باستانی است، به هر چیز تعبیر و تفسیر و تشبیه و تشریح کردهاند بهجز خود درخت.
آنان حتی به روایات هندیان کُهن و سومریان باستان نیز توجه نکردهاند که درخت زندگی را سرچشمهی حیات بر زمین تعریف کردند؛ زیرا هنوز ترجیح میدهند که سلایق و تخیلات خود را حقیقت بنامند و بنمایانند و به رویاپردازی ادامه دهند و فخر بفروشند و خوش باشند.
برای این سرآغاز اما باید به ۱۴۰ سال قبل برگردیم که روزنامهی استانی «ولوگدا» در یک مقاله، پرده از رازی مهم برداشت و نوشت؛ «گویی در تمدن کنونی همهچیز کوچک شده است، از ماهیان و رودها تا حتی درختان که امروزه در مقایسه با درختان قدیمی، حتی بوته هم بهشمار نمیروند...»
🏡 @English_House 🏡
Secrets of Earth and Time -
Today's civilization is shrunk (Part II)
[previous post]
You have always seen mountains and heights all over the earth as if they were huge trees and cut them down. However, it never occurred to you that maybe this time, your imagination is right, and what you have seen are really ancient trees that are huge and even unimaginable on a today's scale.
🏡 @English_House 🏡