#quote #حدیث #حضرت_محمد
🌺 quote of the day
رسول خدا صلي الله عليه واله می فرمایند :
💎 روز غدیر خم برترین عید امّت من است.
💎 The day of Ghadīr-i Khum is the best feast of my community (‘Ummah).
بحار الأنوار، جلد 97، صفحه 110.
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#story #level2 #part6
💛 The Golden Seal 💛
part 6
🌨 Jim was heavy, but
she managed to bring him back into the house. He slowly opened
his eyes, with a small smile on his face.
"Eric's OK," he said quietly. "I didn't see him in the dunes."
Jim sat quietly on the bed and listened to the storm.
Night came and it was suddenly very cold.
Tania walked up and down the room. Suddenly, she stopped moving.
"What's that noise?" she said.
Jim listened. 🌨
❄️ heavy
❄️ managed ( v , past of manage )
❄️ bring ( v )
❄️ quietly
❄️ up and down
💭 سنگین
💭 مدیریت کردن
💭 آوردن
💭 به آرامی
💭 بالا و پایین
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#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
⌛️زمان حال استمراری
🔮 چه موقع از حال استمراری استفاده کنیم
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#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
⌛️زمان حال استمراری
🔮 طریقه ساختن حال استمراری
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هدایت شده از English House
#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
🔮 موارد استفاده have , has
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هدایت شده از English House
#حال_استمراری #present_progressive
🔮 موارد استفاده have , has
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