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پیج فارسی: @roshangarii پیج اینستاگرام: https://www.instagram.com/enlightenment40/ پیج عربی: @altanwir40 ترجمه فارسی پستها فقط در کانال ایتا قرار میگیرد.
مشاهده در ایتا
As #corona virus does not engage #childrens, it shows that even a brainless cell can have more intelligent than the #baby killer regim of #Israel. #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War #USA #Israeli #America #American #amazing #joke #DonaldTrump #BernieSanders #Palestine #Huamnity #BDS 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
Any time a #jewish is attacked or insulted; #Macron, #Trump, #Merkel, #Johnson ....... shout about a crisis and #terrorism! About #anti_semitism! About all people have come under attack. They should tried and .... Any time a #palestinian is killed and his body mutilated.. Ant time #Yemenis are massacred under bombardments. Macron, Trump, Merkel, Johnson ....... (Total Silent). #FreePalestine #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #USA #Israeli #America #American #BernieSanders #Palestine #Huamnity #BDS 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
#Zionists believe that they are God's #chosenPeople and all other people (non-Jews) are #animals in their service. But every year, they put an animal ( #donkey ) on their heads and so they receive its blessing (feast of blessing) Who are the real animals?! #Israel. #FreePalestine #DealOfTheCentury #US #CNN #BBC #FOXnews #Trump #Occupatoin #peace #War #USA #Israeli #America #American #amazing #joke #DonaldTrump #BernieSanders #Palestine #Huamnity #BDS 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
They say the have sold their to the ! This man is also selling his lush and to the Zionists!😏😒 with his defenseless and . 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
I wish I had died for the breaking your small frightened heart. I swear by Allah that anyone who doesn’t want to save you and doesn’t do any thing for your freedom from criminal Zionists (even by words of mouth), doesn’t even have a bit of humanity. 🍃 @Enlightenment40 🍃
هدایت شده از کانال روشنگری‌🇵🇸
🚩 یک سیب بر زمین افتاد، نیوتن جاذبه را کشف کرد. هزاران فلسطینی بر زمین می افتند و هنوز کسی انسانیت را کشف نکرده 🚩 سقطت تفاحة على الأرض، كشف نيوتون قانون الجاذبية، الآف الفلسطينيون يسقطون على الأرض، و لم يكتشف أحد الإنسانية بعد !! 🚩 An apple fell to the ground and Newton discovered gravity. Thousands of Palestinians fall and still no one has discovered 👉 @roshangarii 🚩
هدایت شده از کانال روشنگری‌🇵🇸
🚩 اسرائیل تنها رژیم جهان است که کودکان را به دادگاه نظامی میکشاند. اسرائیل حتی از کودکان این بیگناه ترین موجودات، هم آرامش را میگیرد.. 🚩 إسرائيل النظام الوحيد في العالم ، الذي يعرض الأطفال الى المحاكم العسكرية إسرائيل ، تسلب حتى راحة الأطفال ، الذين هم من أكثر المخلوقات ، براءة 🚩 ISRAEL IS THE ONLY Regime IN THE WORLD TO TRY CHILDREN IN MILITARY COURTS. STOP ARMING ISRAEL 👉 @roshangarii 🚩
My hero Concepcion Picciotto A woman who sat in front of the White House for 35 years in support of Palestine Indeed, She is a real Muslim in deed. It's really beautiful.. Tears deserve to be shed for all this endurance.. Three resistance symbols that stayed in front of the White House for years in support of the Palestinian people. ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ https://www.telewebion.com/episode/2286008 🍃 @enlightenment40 🍃