These are children who don't either have good economical situation or don't have good supervisor to support them economically. Anyone who affords to support them monthly with an amount of money (no matter if it's low) plz don't hesitate and go ahead. They are sinless and innocent and deserve a good life like other children. It's not their fault that were born in poor families. Imagine each of them is your child. Just look at their innocent faces...
We all are responsible for them and should answer back about in the other world. Support them monthly if you afford even with little amount of money. Even if you don't afford you can invite others to participate in.
It was my duty to share it with you. decision is on you
Thanks by advance 🙏🙏🙏
junior ( adj. ) #adjevtive #unit17 #level2
تازه کار ، کم سابقه ، دون پایه ، خرده پا
🌸 @Essential_English_Words 🌸