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◾کارگروه هنـــر بین الملل - - - - - - اینجا هنوز انسانیت نفس می کشد.. 🇵🇸 Palestine | G A Z A هماهنگی: @Admin_forpalestine Telegram: @Forpalestine_2023 مشـــارکت و حضـــور در گروه مـــجازیِ ترجمـــهٔ هنــر‌ انقلاب: @PISHRAN1
مشاهده در ایتا
GOD PREVAILS Behold, an absolutely astonishing and unbelievable flood of a vast mournful population of Iranians in the funeral procession of their late president, Raeisee, foreign minister, Amir Abdollahiyan, Ayatollah Al-Hashem and their martyred companions. The streets of Mashhad, Tehran, Birjand, Tabriz, Rey, have turned into a black canvas due to the presence of multitudes of black-clad mourners. The Iranian nation are united in this extraordinary national support of the entirety of their country, slogans of support for the Leader of Iran are repeatedly chanted by the mournful multitude of mourners "Oh noble leader, we are ready, we are prepared..." "we are numerous armies, we have come here for the love of our leader...." The global media can no longer conceal the presence of millions of Iranians in support of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic Revolution, and its "SINCERE" servants. 🔻 @FORPALESTINE |
شاه پناهم بده خواننده: دولتمند خالف شعر: محمود حبیبی کسبی 🔻 @FORPALESTINE |
🇵🇸 المدافع عن فلسطين, الشهيد حسين امير عبداللهيان وزير خارجية جبهة المقاومة: إن كل أرض ، من البحر إلى النهر، مملوكة فقط لأهلها الفلسطينيين الأصليين، من مسيحيين و يهود و مسلمين، ولا يحق ولا يمكن لأي كيان أو بلد تسليمها، ولا حتى أصغر جزء من هذه الأرض لفرد أو مجموعة أخرى. The defender of Palestine, Martyr Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Resistance Front: All the land of , from the sea to the river, solely belongs to the indigenous Palestinians, including Christians, Jews, and Muslims, and entity or country has the right or the ability to hand over, even the smallest fragment of this land to another individual or group. @taheritabaar 🔻 @FORPALESTINE |
المدافع عن فلسطين الشهيد حسين امير عبداللّهيان وزير خارجية جبهة المقاومة Alireza Pouromid 🔻 @FORPALESTINE |
| «یا ام النّصر» ▪️ای مادر پیروزی، در روز پیروزی؛ سلام بر روح پاک تو یا ام النّصر فی یوم النّصر سلام لروحک الطاهرة 🏴 درگذشت مرحـومه مغفوره سیـــده نهدیه صفی الدین مــــادر جنـــاب سیــــد حسن نصر الله دبیر کل حزب الله لبنان را تسلیت عرض می‌کنیم. 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Mohammad Reaza Doostmohammadi Farsi.Khamenei.ir 🔻@FORPALESTINE
فَتحٌ قریب حسن روح الأمین 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Today, extending support to the Palestinian cause and the oppressed people of Gaza is the criterion of honor for countries. The massive demonstrations of different nations worldwide, proves the central position of Palestine in the global heart and consciousness. Today, backing Palestine and the oppressed people of Gaza is deemed crucial for upholding the honor of countries. Governments aligning themselves with and supporting the Israeli regime are characterized as the most dishonorable and despicable entities on the planet. The persistent acts of massacre and atrocities have instigated restlessness among individuals who value freedom, and the repercussions are expected to transcend the confines of the West Asia region. This excerpt is taken from the address delivered by the Martyred President, Sayyid Ebrahim Raeisi during the ECO summit. 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, inscribed texts on several Israeli bombs and signed them during her visit to the occupied Palestinian territories while touring illegal settlements on the West Bank. Images circulating on social media show Haley writing on a bomb: "Finish them. America [loves] Israel always." Some social media users have considered Haley's actions as an example of "incitement to genocide" and grounds for prosecution in international courts. 🔻@FORPALESTINE