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◾کارگروه هنـــر بین الملل - - - - - - اینجا هنوز انسانیت نفس می کشد.. 🇵🇸 Palestine | G A Z A هماهنگی: @Admin_forpalestine Telegram: @Forpalestine_2023 مشـــارکت و حضـــور در گروه مـــجازیِ ترجمـــهٔ هنــر‌ انقلاب: @PISHRAN1
مشاهده در ایتا
المدافع عن فلسطين الشهيد حسين امير عبداللّهيان وزير خارجية جبهة المقاومة Alireza Pouromid 🔻 @FORPALESTINE |
| «یا ام النّصر» ▪️ای مادر پیروزی، در روز پیروزی؛ سلام بر روح پاک تو یا ام النّصر فی یوم النّصر سلام لروحک الطاهرة 🏴 درگذشت مرحـومه مغفوره سیـــده نهدیه صفی الدین مــــادر جنـــاب سیــــد حسن نصر الله دبیر کل حزب الله لبنان را تسلیت عرض می‌کنیم. 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Mohammad Reaza Doostmohammadi Farsi.Khamenei.ir 🔻@FORPALESTINE
فَتحٌ قریب حسن روح الأمین 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Today, extending support to the Palestinian cause and the oppressed people of Gaza is the criterion of honor for countries. The massive demonstrations of different nations worldwide, proves the central position of Palestine in the global heart and consciousness. Today, backing Palestine and the oppressed people of Gaza is deemed crucial for upholding the honor of countries. Governments aligning themselves with and supporting the Israeli regime are characterized as the most dishonorable and despicable entities on the planet. The persistent acts of massacre and atrocities have instigated restlessness among individuals who value freedom, and the repercussions are expected to transcend the confines of the West Asia region. This excerpt is taken from the address delivered by the Martyred President, Sayyid Ebrahim Raeisi during the ECO summit. 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Nikki Haley, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, inscribed texts on several Israeli bombs and signed them during her visit to the occupied Palestinian territories while touring illegal settlements on the West Bank. Images circulating on social media show Haley writing on a bomb: "Finish them. America [loves] Israel always." Some social media users have considered Haley's actions as an example of "incitement to genocide" and grounds for prosecution in international courts. 🔻@FORPALESTINE
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نمایش در ایتا
💌 نسخه PDF متن کامل نامه حضرت آیت‌الله خامنه‌ای به دانشجویان حامی مردم فلســطین در دانشــگاه‌های ایالات متحده آمریکا ... ۱۴۰۳/۰۳/۰۵ 🔻@FORPALESTINE
Imam Khamenei's letter of solidarity to American Univ. students:🔻
AS THE PAGE OF HISTORY IS TURNING,YOU ARE STANDING ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF IT The following is Imam Khamenei's letter addressed to American university students following their courageous defense of the Palestinian people. In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful I am writing this letter to the young people whose awakened conscience has moved them to defend the oppressed women and children of Gaza. Dear university students in the United States of America, this message is an expression of our empathy and solidarity with you. As the page of history is turning, you are standing on the right side of it. You have now formed a branch of the Resistance Front and have begun an honorable struggle in the face of your government's ruthless pressure—a government which openly supports the usurper and brutal Zionist regime. The greater Resistance Front which shares the same understandings and feelings that you have today, has been engaged in the same struggle for many years in a place far from you. The goal of this struggle is to put an end to the blatant oppression that the brutal Zionist terrorist network has inflicted on the Palestinian nation for many years. After seizing their country, the Zionist regime has subjected them to the harshest of pressures and tortures. The apartheid Zionist regime's genocide today is the continuation of extreme oppressive behavior which has been going on for decades. Palestine is an independent land with a long history. It is a nation comprised of Muslims, Christians, and Jews.   After the World War, the capitalist Zionist network gradually imported several thousand terrorists into this land with the help of the British government. These terrorists attacked cities and villages, murdered tens of thousands of people and pushed out multitudes into neighboring countries. They seized their homes, businesses and farmlands, formed a government in the usurped land of Palestine and called it Israel. After England's initial help, the United States became the greatest supporter of this usurper regime, ceaselessly providing it with political, economic and military support. In an act of unforgivable recklessness, the United States even opened the way and provided assistance for the regime's production of nuclear weapons. The Zionist regime used an iron-fist policy against the defenseless people of Palestine from the very beginning and has, day by day, intensified its brutality, terror and repression in complete disregard of all moral, human and religious values. The United States government and its allies refused to even frown upon this state terrorism and ongoing oppression. And today, some remarks by the US government regarding the horrific crimes taking place in Gaza are more hypocritical than real. The Resistance Front emerged from this dark environment of despair, and the establishment of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran expanded and fortified it. The global Zionist elite – who owns most US and European media corporations or influences them through funding and bribery – has labeled this courageous, humane resistance movement as "terrorism". Can one call a people a terrorist nation for defending themselves on their own land against the crimes of the occupying Zionists? And is helping such a nation and strengthening it, an act of terrorism? The oppressive leaders of global hegemony mercilessly distort even the most basic human concepts. They portray the ruthless, terrorist Israeli regime as acting in self-defense ­– yet they portray the Palestinian Resistance which defends its freedom, security and the right to self-determination, as terrorists! I would like to assure you that today the circumstances are changing. A different fate awaits the important region of West Asia. The people's conscience has awakened on a global scale, and the truth is coming to light. Moreover, the Resistance Front has grown in strength and will become even stronger. And history is turning a page. ...