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افشای واقعیت تاریخی درباره تجارت برده داری در آمریکا https://store.finalcall.com/product/jews-selling-blacks/ 🔰پاسخگویی: @sijjil
مشاهده در ایتا
Georgia’s Jewish community needs support after antisemitic flyers found "...Antisemitic flyers have been dropped on doorsteps in Athens. People in the Jewish community are begging lawmakers to give them more protection..." https://www.atlantanewsfirst.com/2023/03/15/georgias-jewish-community-needs-support-after-antisemitic-flyers-found/ @JewsSellingBlacks
The antisemitic social-media divas of France24 "...“They asked Hitler, ‘What did you do with the Jews?’ He said, ‘Nothing extraordinary, [just having]barbecue with the guys.” This abhorrent antisemitic “joke” would be at home on the vilest neo-Nazi website. Yet this particular piece of wit was lifted from a Twitter account of a journalist working for French public broadcaster France24..." https://ejpress.org/the-antisemitic-social-media-divas-of-france24/amp/ @JewsSellingBlacks
🔷 تاجران گناه چرا یهودیان در طول تاریخ تا این حد منفور بوده اند؟ چرا آنها در گذشته بیش از صد بار از کشورهای اروپایی اخراج شده اند؟ این کتاب تلاش می کند به این سوال پاسخ دهد ..... حداقل تا حدی. Why have the Jews been so hated throughout all of history? Why have they been kicked out of European countries well over a hundred times in the past? This book endeavors to answers that question.....at least partially. @JewsSellingBlacks
Fun times at Walt Whitman High! @JewsSellingBlacks
📈نمودار تغییر سطح تنفر از یهود در آمریکا @JewsSellingBlacks
Jews and the Red Man Flier.pdf
🔸 سرخپوستان آمریکا و یهودیان @JewsSellingBlacks
"...The flyer made references to a belief long disproved by professional historians, that Jews predominately made up the population of those who owned enslaved people in the United States..." https://www.nhpr.org/2023-04-05/mayors-condemn-hate-amid-circulation-of-racist-and-antisemitic-flyers @JewsSellingBlacks
Someone needs to give this man a medal! @JewsSellingBlacks
New Haven officials, community leaders gather to condemn recent anti-Semitic incidents "...NEW HAVEN, CT (WFSB) - City and community leaders came together in New Haven to condemn anti-Semitic flyers that were recently distributed. Wednesday’s gathering was called “Stand up to Hate.” Organizers addressed the flyers passed out in New Haven and Hamden. Both mayors from New Haven and Hamden, as well as local faith and civil leaders, scheduled a news conference at New Haven Green at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday..." Source: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-haven-officials-community-leaders-gather-to-condemn-recent-anti-semitic-incidents/ar-AA19uD1w @JewsSellingBlacks
‘This Was A Hate Crime’: Jewish Woman Says Man Threw Concrete Slab At Her Window Over Israeli Flag https://dailycaller.com/2023/04/11/woman-man-threw-concrete-window-israel-flag/ @JewsSellingBlacks