Curt Schilling Shares Post Claiming Jews Are ‘Dominating’ the Country When ‘They Didn’t Even Found’ It
"...Former Major League Baseball pitcher Curt Schilling shared an anti-Semitic post on Twitter/X that addressed the "Jewish Question".
On Monday, Schilling, who has a history of incendiary remarks and social media posts, shared a tweet by a blue checkmark account that decried "Jews in leading roles" in society..."
Cleveland City Council examines public comment rule changes after anti-Semitic comment
"...Cleveland City Council President Blaine Griffin shut down public comment twice during the Sept. 25 council meeting after Griffin said one of the speakers made an anti-Semitic remark and a negative comment about the LGBTQ+ community.
Griffin said a second speaker was stopped after he started invoking individual names, and another speaker was cut off after exceeding the three-minute time limit. Griffin said the incidents have Cleveland City Council looking into potential rule changes for public comment during council meetings.
"Anytime that I have the gavel, I am going to shut people down whenever they insult any race, gender, sexual orientation or religious affiliation", Griffin said. "It was a very sad commentary about what public comment is supposed to be doing. I’ve heard from several LGBTQIA community members, I have heard from several Jewish Community leaders, I’ve heard from the Jewish Community Federation"..."
Anti-Jew comments distrupting council and board meetings across California
"...Far-right extremists and hate groups have taken over the public comment periods at meetings across the state. It wasn't just El Dorado County's Board of Supervisors meeting this week, but it was also the government meetings of Sonoma County, Saratoga, South San Francisco, El Cerrito, Walnut Creek, Sacramento, Monterey, and the list is growing. The comments have harassed officials and disrupted meetings with hate-filled messages targeting racial and ethnic minorities, the LBGTQ+ community, and the Jewish community.
All of the comments are being made via remote programs like Zoom, a common solution to public participation in government made popular during the pandemic, and a practice that has stayed.
A September 23 San Francisco Chronicle headline read, "Bay Area officials say antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ is derailing local democracy."
Many of the counties are working with law enforcement to address the content of the comments, while others are trying to figure out how to both recognize a person's right to freedom of speech protected by the First Amendment and to eliminate hateful and disruptive comments..."
Prosecutors to upgrade charge against Cuban man accused of expressing 'hate' outside Miami-Dade synagogue
"...A man with "YEHSHUA" and "YHWH" tattoos on his face recently stood outside of an Orthodox synagogue to blow a horn in Sunny Isles Beach, police said.
Yudel Herrero also used "antisemitic speech" near the entrance during Sukkot, a week-long Jewish holiday that celebrates the fall harvest, police said.
"There is no place in our community, or any community, for those who revel in spouting hate", Miami-Dade State Attorney Katherine Fernandez Rundle said in a statement to announce that her prosecutors were working Monday to charge Herrero with a third-degree felony..."
33.27M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
⚠️ حجم این ویدئو زیاد است.
🚫فقط در صورت نیاز دانلود کنید!!
▪️بخش اول
یک نفر در حال پخش اعلامیه ها در سطح شهر است.
علاوه بر اینکه روی شیشه ماشین ها اعلامیه را قرار می دهد با رهگذران هم درباره محتوای آن صحبت می کند و توضیح می دهد.
کارش جالب است.☺️
40.45M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
⚠️ حجم این ویدئو زیاد است.
🚫فقط در صورت نیاز دانلود کنید!!
▪️بخش دوم
یک نفر در حال پخش اعلامیه ها در سطح شهر است.
علاوه بر اینکه روی شیشه ماشین ها اعلامیه را قرار می دهد با رهگذران هم درباره محتوای آن صحبت می کند و توضیح می دهد.
Sen. Rick Scott Urges USF President to Protect Jewish Students from Attacks Ahead of Anti-Israel Conference
"...Today, Senator Rick Scott sent a letter to University of South Florida (USF) President Rhea Law sharing the USF Hillel’s concerns ahead of a student-led “First Annual Tampa Bay BDS Conference” on USF’s campus later this month considering the BDS movement’s close association with hate for Israel and the Jewish community.
In his letter, Senator Scott notes that anti-Israel events held on college campuses have previously led to unacceptable antisemitic attacks and violence, and reiterates to President Law the need to ensure the safety and well-being of every student..."
هدایت شده از اتحاد اسلامی
🖤🤎🤍⚠️گول رنگش را نخوریم!
📺مستند ها و فیلم های سینمایی و کتاب های چاپ شده و اخبار گوناگون، ما رو نسبت به زندگی سیاهپوستان و تبعیض های نژادی حساس می کنه.
🙄شاید گاهی حتی متعجب بشیم از حجم زیاد این مطالب و با خودمون بگیم چرا آمریکا با اون همه قدرت، اجازه میده که دربارش این همه انتقاد و هجمه توی رسانه ها دیده بشه؟
یعنی دولت آمریکا نمی تونسته همونطور که جلوی نشر خیلی از واقعیت ها رو میگیره، مانع از انتشار این آثار هم بشه؟
از دستشون در رفته؟
🖤سیاه ها خیلی قوی بودن که تونستن مظلومیت خودشون رو علنی کنن؟!
🐃🐂🐄 یاد داستان گاوها افتادم که سهتایی باهم متحد بودند
🦁شیر جنگل نمیتونست بهشون نزدیک بشه.
🦊اما روباه فریبکار به بهانه اینکه توی شب گاو سفید به چشم میاد و باعث لو رفتن گاو سیاه میشه، اونا رو از هم متفرق کرد.
🧐چرا دقت نکرده بوديم که دولت آمریکا یک دولت مقتدر و مستقل نیست؟
چرا توی آمریکا سیاه و سفید و اقلیت های مختلف باید باهم در نزاع و کینه بسر ببرند؟
چه کسی از تفرقه بین انسان ها سود میبره؟
ما ایرانی های مسلمان و انقلابی هم که نگران وضعیت مظلومین جهان هستیم، سالهاست در لایه ظاهری باقی موندیم...
💠 @IslamicUnity
💠اتحاد اسلامی
Rep. Fine says alleged confrontation with anti-Jew Power group member shows 'concerning' escalation
"...Rep. Randy Fine, R-Melbourne, was involved in a confrontation on his way to a public speaking event Wednesday where he said he was "jumped" by an alleged member of an antisemitic group.
Fine was attending a publicly-advertised event hosted by the Brevard Federated Republican Women at the Space Coast Convention Center, when he had the encounter.
Fine told Florida’s Voice he got out of his car and was walking in when a guy ran up to him with a camera, "got in my face," introducing himself as a member of the Goyim Defense League. Fine said the man asked him "why won't you tell the truth about the Jews?" during the incident.
Fine said the event was not a Jewish event, or about antisemitism..."