9.92M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🏴وَاجْتَبَيْتَهُ بِطِيبِ الْوِلادَةِ، وَجَعَلْتَهُ سَيِّداً مِنَ السَّادَةِ
🏴O Allah! You created Hussain (pbuh) while he was pure and blessed, and made him the Master of all Masters.
#Ziyarat al-Arbain
14.43M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🏴وَأَعْطَيْتَهُ مَوَارِيثَ الْأَنْبِيَاءِ
🏴A true representative (inheritor and progenitor) of guardians, leaders and defenders of rights, gave him (Imam Hussain) much and more from the inheritance of the Prophets..
#Ziyarat al-Arbain
14.48M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
🏴وَجَعَلْتَهُ حُجَّةً عَلَى خَلْقِكَ مِنَ الْأَوْصِيَاءِ
🏴O Allah! You Put him (Imam Hussain) forward as a decisive argument, along with the other successors) of the Holy Prophet-the twelve Imams
#Ziyarat al-Arbain
🏴وَبَذَلَ مُهْجَتَهُ فِيكَ لِيَسْتَنْقِذَ عِبَادَكَ مِنَ الْجَهَالَةِ، وَحَيْرَةِ الضَّلالَةِ
🏴And he sacrificed his life for You to save Your servants from ignorance and the confusion of misguidance."
#Ziyarat al-Arbain
🍀Imam Sadiq (pbuph) said:
"Await the emergence of Imam Mahdi every day and night"
(Bihar al-Anwar, Volume 98, Page 159)
💠 The Fourth Seasonal Meeting on "Mahdism in the International Arena"
🇸🇩 Topic: Gaza, Today's Karbala
🎙 With the presence of professors and guests from Iran, Iraq, and Yemen
🕌 Location: Karbala, Amood 1090, Mawkib "Ma'a Imam Mansoor," Jamkaran Mosque
🕘 Date and Time: Tuesday, August 20th, 9:00 PM, corresponding to the 15th of Safar
💠 The Fourth Seasonal Meeting on "Mahdism in the International Arena"
🇸🇩 Topic: Gaza, Today's Karbala
🎙 With the presence of professors and guests from Iran, Iraq, and Yemen
🕌 Location: Karbala, Amood 1090, Mawkib "Ma'a Imam Mansoor," Jamkaran Mosque
🕘 Date and Time: Tuesday, August 20th, 9:00 PM, corresponding to the 15th of Safar