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get over باور کردن head home = go home cant ge enough of سیر نمیشم از pain in the neckآزاردهنده ناخوشایند stop complainingشکایت کردن را تموم کن figure out= understand
are you burning the candle at both ends?=are you very busy? leaving a balanced life= find time for all aspect of life stop to smell the roses= enjoy to life
if you recognise yourself (اگه خودتو بشناسی)you should remember to slow down and take more time off for everything living a balanced life is about integrating (ادغام)the many vital areas of your life including your health friends family work and romance
have you had a chance to meet the new manager؟ liz? actually no .have you? not yet. I wonder what she's like . well everyone says she's bad news . you know you can't believe everything you hear .she might turn out to be real sweetheart.
turn out to be different= it has a result that you did not expect.
personality types: positive: sweetheart = likable a team player = work well in group a brain =smart=intelligent a people person easygoing modestمتواضع outgoingخوش برخورد talkative negative: a tyrantمستبد make people work so hard like boss /workaholic= work all day / a pain in the neck= causes problem /a wise guyنادان دانانما unfairبی انصاف annoyingرنجش اور
compare perpective on life.
perspective=point of view /Outlook /attitude. really /realistic/ positive /negative /optimist خوش بین/pessimistبدبین
optimist:try to look on the bright side /see a solution instead of seeing problem/avoid negative thinking/ focusing on good things by replacing bad thing with good ones.
feel down = sad interpret تفسیر perceive = understand confidentمطمئن synical سینیکال=negative view confronted with=facedمواجهه شدن با uplifting = improve /promote realistic and wiseعاقل dose= amount recognize unjust= unfair generosityبخشش get tough سخت شدن= تاف it figuresمنطقیه ،موردانتظاره graduallyبه تدریج im getting firedاخراج شدم= فایِرد see the glass half full/ half emptyنیمه پر لیوان نیمه خالی
significant= importantسیگ نی فی کنت lost his home in a fire= flame شعله
see other people's points of View.نظر مردم رو فهمیدن it was real eye-opener.تجربه به او زیاد یاد داد it hit me that I was responsible for her=realizeدریافتن، فهمیدن it is definitely a life_altering experience= life changing that put things in perspective.بفهمی که بعضی چیزا زیاد مهم نیستند you start to see the big picture.بفهمی که چیا زیاد مهم هستند @topnotch
travel has broadened my horizon. بِرادند هرایزن بینش وسیع
it came in handy به درد بخوره مفید باشه @topnotch
🔵Making requests @topnotch
I'm tired.... آیم تایید خسته ام کلمات جایگزین .💖I'm weary 🌸I'm worn out .🌹I'm spent .🌺I'm done @topnotch
ضرب المثل No pain, No gain نابرده رنج گنج میسر نمی شود @topnotch
❇️افعال دو قسمتی با "look" 🎲look به نظر رسیدن 🎲Iook at نگاه کردن 🎲look for جستجو کردن 🎲look after مواظبت کردن 🎲look out مواظب بودن 🎲look like شبیه بودن 🎲look up پیدا کردن لغت 🎲look into وارسی کردن 🎲look down نگاه تحقیرامیز کردن 🎲look forward to مشتاقانه انتظار کشیدن @topnotch
🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺🌺 🚗🚅🚕unit6 travel hassles and experiences @topnotch
hassle= problem, difficulty horrendous= terrible @topnotch
what a horrendous line! get the message = learn from experience go for it= sure, go ahead, do it, start @topnotch
instead of: 🔸I don't understand 🔸 @topnotch
✳️واژگان مرتبط با رانندگی 🏎🏎🏎 ♦️Slow down ♦️آهسته برو ♦️speed up ♦️تند برو ♦️ hit the brake ♦️ترمز بگیر ♦️overtake ♦️سبقت گرفتن ♦️ step on it ♦️گاز بده @topnotch