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پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
🎯 Falls From Ladders & Scaffolds Can Be PREVENTED!
🚀 سلامت، ایمنی، محیط زیست، کیفیت و بیمه
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
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پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
Falls in Construction-Fixed Scaffolds (V-tool)🔻
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Falls in Construction-Fixed Scaffolds (V-tool)
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
🚀 #English @alisafety Tech :
🔴Oxygen Mask and Smoke Detector Combined! :
Smoke detectors, although they are mass produced and cost close to nothing, safe lives every years and are recommended to be on every floor in every house. They are small, loud, and don’t take up space! On occasions, which happens more than we would want to imagine, smoke detectors sometimes just aren’t enough to save lives and a lot of us can say that we don’t particularity have oxygen masks just laying around the house, which we probably should, now come to think of it. TaG is a new kind of invention that carries the accessibility of a smoke detector and an oxygen mask. This masks actually detects smoke, and radiates a signal to notify victims of the fire, which also makes it easier to find the mask/detector in a smokey room. This product encompasses flashing LED lights in addition to a sonorous locator to help the rescuers better locate you.
A lot of us would have to admit that we don’t really know the severity a small house fire can progress into, and the combination of the TaG as well as the knowledge of small house fire could help save your life. Smoke detectors can detect smoke, but sometimes they can’t detect the low doses of carbon monoxide; even at the low doses, this can be lethal. All the more reason for TaG. All it takes is a good three minutes for a fire to destroy a home. This stuff moves quick, and jumps far. About 70% of home fires start at night, so keeping the TaG nearby or even on your nightstand is a helpful tip.
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پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
🚀 #English @alisafety Tech :
🔴Oxygen Mask and Smoke Detector Combined!
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پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
🚀 #English @alisafety Tech :
🔴Oxygen Mask and Smoke Detector Combined!
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پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
OSHA Fact Sheet - Narrow Frame Scaffolds🔻
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
OSHA Fact Sheet - Narrow Frame Scaffolds
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE
What's the difference between a hazard and a risk? 🔻
پلکان #ایمنی صفحه تخصصی حوزه #HSE