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❣️﷽❣️ روشنگری و جنگ شناختی ادراکی . . . ارتباط با ادمین @Alghadir66_admin
مشاهده در ایتا
امام خامنه‌ای: جهاد او جهاد بزرگی بود و خداوند نیز شهادت او را شهادت بزرگی قرار داد. این نعمت عظیم بر حاج قاسم که شایسته آن بود، گوارا باشد. حاج قاسم باید همین‌جور به شهادت می‌رسید.
General Soleimani, after a lot of efforts for arresting the members of a terrorist groups, complained to his people, “Why did you not give food and water to these prisoners ?! and said to them: "They used to create chaos before captivity, but now they are captives and you cannot treat them any way you want
General Soleimani helped the poor and those in need villagers by providing them with food. Especially during the Eid (Celebrations), he provided for their needs.
Les actions de Daech et de Jabhat al-Nusra ne reflètent pas les croyances de l'islam. Ces groupes ont été crées par les régimes israélien et américain et avec le soutien financier de l'Arabie saoudite, et Général est celui qui a affronté ces groupes déviants en Irak et en Syrie.
Sardar Süleymani, Batı Asya bölgesinde ABD'nin tüm planlarına direnmeyi ve bu planları engellemeyi başardı.
🇹🇷 ABD planı, Filistin'i İsrail zulmüne karşı koyamayacak kadar zayıf tutmaktı, ancak General Süleymani Filistinlilerin yardımına gitti ve direnebilmeleri için bir şeyler yaptı.
You would find General Soleimani at the prime of his power and strength in the battlefields while at the peak of his humility, compassion and kindness to friends and family in everyday life, and all these are of the gifts for those serving Ahl al Bayt (PBUT)
People saw that General Qassem Soleimani, passionately, modestly, honestly pursues solving their problems and accompanies and sympathizes with them. This feeling of "presence" puts him in the hearts and souls of the people and that is why the people called him "the commander of hearts".
The United States was afraid of General Soleimani because he was fighting with the power of faith, not the power of ammunition...
🇹🇷 Hiçbir ülkede zulmü ortadan kaldırmak için hiçbir yardımdan kaçınmadı ve hevesle yardımlarına geldi.
General Qassem Soleimani was so famous for his humility and modesty,  in a way that in every ceremony that he participated, everyone was happy with the passion they had for him and his presence.
🇹🇷 Suriyeli ve Iraklı yetkililer, Ayetullah Hamaney'i IŞİD ile mücadeleye yardım etmeye çağırdı ve Sardar Süleymani ve birlikleri, Ayetullah Hamaney'in emriyle Suriye ve Irak halkına yardım etmeye gitti.