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سلام و عرض ادب خدمت اعضای محترم بورسلند؛یادآور میشوم که سیگنال های بورسی و دلنوشته های بنده جنبه آموزشی دارد و نباید ملاک تصمیم گیری قرار بگیرد🌹 لطف میکنید اگر کانال ما را به اقوام و دوستان بورسی خود معرفی بفرمایید🌹 تماس با ادمین @BourseGenius
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🇮🇷بورس لند🇮🇷
✅ Al-Mayadeen reports that Hezbollah prisoners will also be released in the second phase of the ceas
قطر: اداره غزه پس از جنگ، مسئله داخلی فلسطین استمنابع عبری: اسرائیل یکشنبه ٩۵ اسیر فلسطینی را در ازای ٣ اسیر اسرائیلی آزاد می‌کند @bourselandgroup
🇮🇷بورس لند🇮🇷
🟢 تحلیل بلند مدت #شاخص‌کل : ✅ انتظار بلند مدتی حداقل تا شاخص ۴ میلیون واحدی را داریم... 🔥 @bourse
‌‌‌‏✍️ در حال رد شدن از سقف کانال نوسانات تکنیکال طبیعی هست 👈 حداقل تا نزدیکای ۴،۱۰۰ میلیون واحد میتواند رشد کندتاثیر و بازگشایی قدرتمندغول های ها بعد از یکماه تعلیق می تواند باعث رشد شاخص شود 👈سایه جنگ برداشته شد .. جذاب می شود ..دلار و طلا هم خوبند اما رونق بورس در فضای آرامش چون رشدش کمتر از ۲۰درصد بوده است بهتر خواهد شد در صورت وجود آرامش سیاسی در کشور که فعلا هست 🇮🇷🇮🇷 🔸سیگنال خرید و فروش نمی باشد @bourselandgroup
🇮🇷بورس لند🇮🇷
✅متن معاهده مشترک جامع راهبردی #ایران و #روسیه منتشر شد 🔺طرف‌های متعاهد در جهت تعمیق و گسترش روابط
پوتین: موضع ما در سطح بین المللی این است در مقابل دیکتاتوری در دنیا و تحریم‌های ضد ایران و روسیه بایستیمرئیس بانک مرکزی: کارت‌های بانکی ایران روی خودپرداز روسیه کار می‌کندپزشکیان: فعالیت ایران با روسیه برد-برد خواهد بودپزشکیان: با همکاریِ هم (ایران و چین و روسیه) می‌توانیم آمریکا را تحریم کنیممفاد مهم معاهده راهبردی ایران-روسیه : 👇👇 ۱) احترام به تمامیت ارضی طرفین، ۲) توسعه همکاری نظامی، ۳) همکاری در حوزه هسته‌ای و انرژی، ۴) عدم پیوستن به تحریم کشورهای ثالث علیه یکدیگر، ۵) توسعه زیرساخت پرداخت مستقل @bourselandgroup
فعلا قابلیت پخش رسانه در مرورگر فراهم نیست
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
رییس کل بانک مرکزی در نشست با تاجران و فعالان اقتصادی فدراسیون روسیه با حضور رییس جمهور ایران و سایر وزیران : همانطور که مستحضرید اخیرا در ایران بازار ارز توافقی راه اندازی کردیم که نرخ آن براساس توافق صادرکنندگان و وارد کنندگان تعیین می شود و به نرخ بازار نزدیک است و همین نرخ ارز توافقی مرکز مبادله مبنای تجارت ما با شما و تسعیر ارزهای خارجی خواهد بود پ.ن: اعلام تثبیت نرخ برای تاجران بین‌المللی خبر خوبی برای محسوب می‌شود @bourselandgroup
🇷🇺🇮🇷 متن کامل معاهده مشارکت جامع راهبردی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و فدراسیون روسیه : قسمت اول Text of joint comprehensive strategic agreement between Iran and Russia January 17, 2025 Moscow, IRNA – The text of the comprehensive strategic joint agreement between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, which was signed by the presidents of the two countries, Masoud Pezeshkian and Vladimir Putin, on Friday, January 17, 2025 , in a ceremony in the Kremlin, was published in the form of an introduction and 47 articles as follows: REATY on the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation The Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation, hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”, Expressing interest in bringing friendly interstate relations to a new level and giving them a comprehensive, long-term and strategic character, as well as strengthening their legal foundations, Convinced that the development of comprehensive strategic partnership serves the core interests of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, Relying on deep historical ties between the Iranian and Russian people, proximity of their cultures and spiritual and moral values, commonality of interests, strong ties of good-neighbourliness and broad opportunities for cooperation in political, economic, military, cultural, humanitarian, scientific, technical, and other fields, Taking into account the need for further strengthening cooperation in the interests of peace and security at the regional and global levels, Desiring to contribute to an objective process of shaping a new just and sustainable multipolar world order based on sovereign equality of states, good faith cooperation, mutual respect for interests, collective solutions to international problems, cultural and civilizational diversity, the rule of international law in accordance with the United Nations Charter, including the renunciation of the threat or use of force, non-interference in internal affairs, and respect for the territorial integrity of both States, Reaffirming commitment to the spirit, purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and generally recognized rules of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among states, as well as guided by all existing agreements between the Contracting Parties, including the Declaration between Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation the on the Promotion of International Law dated 27 Khordad 1399 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 16 June 2020), Underlining that the Treaty between Persia and the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic dated 7 Esfand 1299 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 26 February 1921), the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Iran and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics dated 5 Farvardin 1319 of Solar Hijri (corresponding 25 March 1940), the Treaty on the Basis for Mutual Relations and Principles of Cooperation between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation dated 22 Esfand 1379 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 12 March 2001) and other fundamental instruments concluded by the Contracting Parties have laid a solid legal foundation for bilateral relations, Have agreed as follows: Article 1 The Contracting Parties shall seek to deepen and expand relations in all the fields of mutual interest, strengthen cooperation in the field of security and defence, closely coordinate activities at the regional and global levels, which is in line with a comprehensive, long-term and strategic partnership. Article 2 The Contracting Parties shall implement a state policy based on mutual respect for national interests and security interests, the principles of multilateralism, peaceful settlement of disputes and rejection of unipolarity and hegemony in world affairs, as well as counter interference of third parties in the internal and external affairs of the Contracting Parties. @bourselandgroup
🇷🇺🇮🇷 متن کامل معاهده مشارکت جامع راهبردی جمهوری اسلامی ایران و فدراسیون روسیه/قسمت دوم The Contracting Parties shall strengthen their relations based on the principles of sovereign equality, territorial integrity, independence, non‑interference in the internal affairs of each other, the respect for sovereignty, cooperation and mutual trust. 2. The Contracting Parties shall take measures to mutually promote the abovementioned principles in various levels of relations bilaterally, regionally and globally and adhere to and advance policies consistent with these principles. 3. In the event that either Contracting Party is subject to aggression, the other Contracting Party shall not provide any military or other assistance to the aggressor which would contribute to the continued aggression, and shall help to ensure that the differences that have arisen are settled on the basis of the United Nations Charter and other applicable rules of international law. 4. The Contracting Parties shall not permit the use of their territories in support of separatist movements and other actions that threaten the stability and territorial integrity of the other Contracting Party, as well as in support of hostile actions against each other. Article 4 1. In order to enhance national security and confront common threats, the intelligence and security agencies of the Contracting Parties shall exchange information and experience and increase the level of their cooperation. 2. The intelligence and security agencies of the Contracting Parties shall cooperate within the framework of separate agreements. Article 5 1. In order to develop military cooperation between their relevant agencies, the Contracting Parties shall conduct the preparation and implementation of respective agreements within the Working Group on Military Cooperation. 2. The military cooperation between the Contracting Parties shall cover a wide range of issues, including the exchange of military and expert delegations, port calls by military ships and vessels of the Contracting Parties, training of military personnel, exchange of cadets and instructors, participation – upon the agreement between the Contracting Parties – in international defence exhibitions hosted by the Contracting Parties, conduct of joint sports competitions, cultural and other events, joint maritime relief and rescue operations as well as combating piracy and armed robbery at sea. 3. The Contracting Parties shall interact closely in holding joint military exercises in the territory of both Contracting Parties and beyond by mutual consent and taking into account the applicable generally recognized rules of international law. 4. The Contracting Parties shall consult and cooperate in countering common military and security threats of a bilateral and regional nature. Article 6 1. Within the framework of a comprehensive, long-term and strategic partnership, the Contracting Parties shall confirm their commitment to develop military-technical cooperation based on respective agreements between them taking into account mutual interests and their international obligations and shall consider such cooperation as an important component in maintaining regional and global security. 2. In order to ensure proper coordination and further development of bilateral military-technical cooperation, the Contracting Parties shall hold sessions of the relevant working bodies on an annual basis. Article 7 1. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate bilaterally and multilaterally in combating international terrorism and other challenges and threats, in particular extremism, transnational organized crime, human trafficking and hostage taking, illegal migration, illicit financial flows, legalization (laundering) of proceeds of crime, financing of terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, illicit trafficking in goods, money, monetary instruments, historical and cultural property, weapons, narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, exchange of operative information and experience in the border guard sphere.
2. The Contracting Parties shall support interaction in protecting public order and maintaining public security, the protection of important state facilities and state control over arms trafficking. 3. The Contracting Parties shall coordinate their positions and promote joint efforts in combating the mentioned challenges and threats on relevant international fora, as well as cooperate within the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). 4. The Contracting Parties, when carrying out cooperation provided for in this Article, shall be guided by their national legislation and the provisions of international treaties to which they are parties. Article 8 1. The Contracting Parties shall protect the rights and legitimate interests of their citizens in the territory of the Contracting Parties. 2. The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation in all the legal areas of interest, particularly in provision of legal assistance in civil and criminal matters, extradition and transfer of persons sentenced to imprisonment, and implementation of arrangements on criminal assets recovery. Article 9 1. Guided by the goals of maintaining international peace and security, the Contracting Parties shall hold consultations and cooperate within the framework of international organizations, including in the United Nations and its specialized agencies, the global and regional issues, which may directly or indirectly pose a challenge to the common interests and security of the Contracting Parties. 2. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate and support on a reciprocal basis the membership of each Contracting Party in relevant international and regional organizations. Article 10 The Contracting Parties shall cooperate closely on arms control, disarmament, non-proliferation, and international security issues within the framework of the relevant international treaties and international organizations to which they are parties, and hold consultations regularly on these matters. Article 11 1. The Contracting Parties shall carry out political and practical cooperation in the field of international information security in accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Government of the Russian Federation on Cooperation in the Field of Information Security dated 7 Bahman 1399 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 26 January 2021). 2. The Contracting Parties shall contribute to the establishment under the aegis of the United Nations of a system of international information security and a legally binding regime for prevention and peaceful resolution of conflicts based on the principles of sovereign equality and non-interference in the internal affairs of states. 3. The Contracting Parties shall expand cooperation in the field of countering the use of information and communication technologies for criminal purposes, coordinate actions and jointly promote initiatives within international organizations and other negotiating venues. The Contracting Parties shall promote national sovereignty in the international information space, exchange information and create conditions for cooperation between the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties. 4. The Contracting Parties shall support the internationalization of the management of the information and telecommunication Internet network, advocate equal rights for states in its management, consider unacceptable any attempt to limit the sovereign right to regulate and ensure the safety of national segments of the global network and be interested in an intensified involvement of the International Telecommunication Union in solving these problems. 5. The Contracting Parties shall advocate the strengthening sovereignty in the international information space by regulating the activities of international companies in the field of information and communication technologies, as well as through the exchange of experience in managing national segments of the Internet and the development of infrastructure in the field of information and communication technologies, and
cooperate in the field of digital development. Article 12 The Contracting Parties shall facilitate bolstering of peace and security in the Caspian region, Central Asia, Transcaucasia, and the Middle East, cooperate to prevent interference in the specified regions and destabilizing presence of the third states there, and exchange opinions on the situation in other regions of the world. Article 13 1. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate in order to preserve the Caspian Sea as a zone of peace, good-neighbourliness and friendship based on the principle of non-presence in the Caspian Sea of the armed forces not belonging to the coastal States as well as to ensure security and stability in the Caspian region. 2. The Contracting Parties, taking into account the benefits of their territorial proximity and geographical connectivity, shall strive to use all the economic capabilities of the Caspian Sea. 3. The Contracting Parties shall actively interact in promoting and deepening multidimensional partnership among the Caspian region states. While cooperating in the Caspian Sea, the Contracting Parties shall be guided by all the pentalateral international treaties in force between the Caspian states, to which the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran are parties, and shall confirm the exclusive competence of the Caspian littoral states in addressing matters related to the Caspian Sea. The Contracting Parties shall improve bilateral interaction on the issues related to the Caspian Sea. 4. The Contracting Parties shall cooperate, including within joint project activities, in the field of sustainable use of economic opportunities of the Caspian Sea while guaranteeing environmental safety, protection of biological diversity, conservation and rational use of aquatic biological resources, marine environment of the Caspian Sea, and shall take measures to combat pollution in the Caspian Sea. Article 14 The Contracting Parties shall deepen cooperation within regional organizations, interact and harmonize positions within the Shanghai Cooperation Organization in the interests of strengthening its potential in the areas of politics, security, economy, and in cultural and humanitarian spheres, and facilitate the expansion of trade and economic ties between the Eurasian Economic Union and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Article 15 The Contracting Parties shall promote the development of cooperation between their legislative bodies, including within the framework of international parliamentary organizations, various multilateral formats, specialized committees and commissions, relevant groups for relations between the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Islamic Parliament) of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as the Commission for Cooperation between the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Islamic Parliament) of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Article 16 1. The Contracting Parties shall develop interregional cooperation, assuming its special importance for expanding the entire range of bilateral relations. 2. The Contracting Parties shall create favourable conditions for the establishment of direct ties between the Russian and Iranian regions, facilitate mutual knowledge of their economic and investment potentials, including through holding business missions, conferences, exhibitions, fairs and other interregional events. Article 17 The Contracting Parties shall support trade and economic cooperation in all the areas of mutual interest by coordinating this interaction within the framework of the Permanent Russian-Iranian Commission on Trade and Economic Cooperation. Article 18 1. The Contracting Parties shall facilitate development of trade, economic and industrial cooperation, creating mutual economic benefits, including joint investments, infrastructure financing, easing of trade and business mechanisms, cooperation in banking, promotion and mutual provision of goods, works, services, information and results of
intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them. 2. Aware of their investment capabilities, the Contracting Parties may make joint investments in the economy of third states, and for this purpose, maintain dialogue within the framework of relevant multilateral mechanisms. Article 19 1. The Contracting Parties shall counter the application of unilateral coercive measures, including those of an extraterritorial nature, and consider their imposition as an internationally wrongful and unfriendly act. The Contracting Parties shall coordinate efforts and support multilateral initiatives aimed at eliminating the practice of such measures in the international relations, guided, inter alia, by the Declaration by the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Russian Federation on the Ways and Means to Counter, Mitigate and Redress the Adverse Impacts of Unilateral Coercive Measures dated 14 Azar 1402 of Solar Hijri (corresponding to 5 December 2023). 2. The Contracting Parties shall guarantee the non-application of unilateral coercive measures aimed directly or indirectly against either Contracting Party, individuals and legal entities of such a Contracting Party or their property under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Party, goods, works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them originating from one Contracting Party and intended for the other Contracting Party. 3. The Contracting Parties shall refrain from acceding to unilateral coercive measures or supporting such measures of any third party, if such measures affect or are aimed directly or indirectly against either Contracting Party, individuals and legal entities of such Contracting Party or their property under the jurisdiction of such third party, goods originating from one Contracting Party and intended for the other Contracting Party, and/or works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them provided by suppliers of the other Contracting Party. 4. If unilateral coercive measures are introduced against either Contracting Party by any third party, the Contracting Parties shall make practical efforts to reduce risks, eliminate or mitigate the direct and indirect impact of such measures on mutual economic ties, individuals and legal entities of the Contracting Parties or their property under the jurisdiction of the Contracting Parties, goods originating from one Contracting Party and intended for the other Contracting Party, and/or works, services, information, results of intellectual activity, including exclusive rights to them provided by suppliers of the Contracting Parties. The Contracting Parties shall also take steps to limit the dissemination of information that could be used by such third party to impose and escalate such measures. Article 20 1. With a view to augmenting the volume of mutual trade, the Contracting Parties shall create conditions to develop cooperation between the lending organizations, taking into account the international legal instruments in the field of countering laundering of proceeds of crime and financing of terrorism to which the Contracting Parties are parties, use various tools of trade financing, develop joint mutual export support projects, build up the investment potential, expand mutual investment between individuals, public and private companies, and ensure adequate protection of mutual investment. 2. The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation for the purpose of establishing a modern payment infrastructure independent of third states, transition to bilateral settlements in national currencies, strengthening direct interbank cooperation and promoting national financial products. 3. The Contracting Parties shall expand their cooperation with a view to developing trade and encouraging investments in special/free economic zones of the Contracting Parties.
4. The Contracting Parties shall provide assistance to special/free economic zones of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in carrying out activities aimed at creating joint ventures in areas of mutual interest, and pay attention to the creation of industrial zones. 5. The Contracting Parties declare their readiness to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in gold-mining, gold-processing, diamond-brilliant and jewellery industries. Article 21 1. The Contracting Parties, taking into account their capabilities and capacities, shall support close cooperation in the field of transport and reaffirm their willingness to comprehensively develop partnership in the area of transport on a mutually beneficial basis. 2. The Contracting Parties shall create favorable conditions for the operation of carriers of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, facilitation of the process of cargo and passenger transportation by all transport modes and increase of their volumes, effective use of road and border infrastructure. 3. The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation in the roadway, railway, aerial, maritime and multimodal transportation, as well as in training specialists in the area of transport. 4. The Contracting Parties shall actively cooperate in the development of international transport corridors passing the territory of the Russian Federation and of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in particular the North-South International Transport Corridor. Such cooperation includes the promotion of goods originating from the Contracting Parties in the third states' markets, as well as the creation of conditions for the development of seamless transportation via transport corridors both in bilateral and transit transportation through their territories. 5. The Contracting Parties shall introduce modern developments in the area of digital transportation systems. 6. The Contracting Parties shall support close coordination within international transport industry organizations, establish mutually beneficial cooperation between the executive authorities and organizations in the area of transport, and facilitate their participation in international transport industry events. Article 22 1. The Contracting Parties shall expand cooperation in the oil and gas sector on the principles of equality and mutual benefit and shall take measures to enhance the energy security of the Contracting Parties through the efficient use of fuel and energy resources. 2. The Contracting Parties shall promote bilateral energy cooperation in the following areas: 2.1. Scientific and technical assistance, exchange of experience and introduction of advanced and modern technologies in the production, processing, and transportation of oil and gas; 2.2. Assistance to Russian and Iranian companies and organizations in the fuel and energy sector in expanding cooperation, including energy supplies and swap operations; 2.3. Promotion of investment through bilateral cooperation in the oil and gas fields development projects in the territory of the Contracting Parties; 2.4. Promotion of infrastructure projects important for global and regional energy security; 2.5. Ensuring non-discriminatory access to international energy markets and increasing their competitiveness; 2.6. Cooperation and implementation of a coordinated policy within the framework of international energy fora, such as the Gas Exporting Countries Forum and OPEC-plus. 3. The Contracting Parties shall enhance the level of cooperation and exchange of views and experience in the area of renewable energy sources. Article 23 The Contracting Parties shall promote the development of long-term and mutually beneficial relations for the purpose of implementing joint projects in the area of peaceful use of nuclear energy, including the construction of nuclear energy facilities.
Article 24 1. The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation in the fields of agriculture, fisheries, veterinary, protection and quarantine of plants and seed production in order to increase mutual trade and access of agricultural products to the markets of the Contracting Parties and the markets of third states. 2. The Contracting Parties shall take the necessary measures to ensure the safety of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs, which shall meet the requirements established in the area of sanitary and epidemiological, veterinary, quarantine phytosanitary and seed control (inspection), as well as requirements for safe handling of pesticides and agricultural chemicals or other requirements established by the legislation of the Contracting Parties. Article 25 The Contracting Parties shall carry out customs cooperation, including the implementation of projects for the creation of a simplified customs corridor, mutual recognition of the respective authorized economic operator programs in order to promote the creation of secure supply chains, the organization of administrative cooperation and exchange of customs information between their customs authorities. Article 26 The Contracting Parties, in order to promote fair competition in national markets and improve the welfare of the population, shall develop cooperation in the field of anti-monopoly policy. Article 27 The Contracting Parties shall develop cooperation on such issues as mutual recognition of standards, test reports and certificates of conformity, direct application of standards, exchange of experience and advanced developments in the field of measurement uniformity, training experts and promotion of the recognition of test results between the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran. Article 28 The Contracting Parties shall interact in the fields of health care, medical education and science, including within relevant international organizations, in the following areas: 1.) Organization of the state health care system and health care management; 2.) Prevention and treatment of communicable and non-communicable diseases; 3.) Protection of maternal and child health; 4.) State regulation of the circulation of medicines for medical use and medical devices; 5.) Promotion of healthy lifestyle; 6.) Medical research; 7.) Introduction of digital technologies in health care; 8.) Professional training of health care specialists; 9.) Other areas of cooperation of mutual interest. Article 29 1. The Contracting Parties shall strengthen cooperation in ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population on the basis of national legislation and state infection prevention and control policies, as well as international treaties to which the Contracting Parties are parties. 2. The Contracting Parties shall strengthen the coordination in the field of sanitary and epidemiological well-being and food safety. 3. The Contracting Parties shall promote the harmonization of sanitary requirements and food safety standards and mutual participation in the relevant events organized by them. Article 30 1. The Contracting Parties shall promote and strengthen long-term and constructive ties in the fields of higher education, science, technology, innovation, carry out joint scientific and technical projects, encourage the establishment and development of direct contacts between interested educational and scientific institutions of the Contracting Parties. 2. The Contracting Parties shall promote direct partnership between interested educational and scientific institutions of higher education, including on the development and implementation of joint scientific, technical and research programs and projects, exchange of scientific and pedagogical workers and students, scientific and technical information, scientific literature, periodicals and bibliographies.