🧿Mary was an English girl, but she lived in Rome. She was six years old. Last year her mother said to her, ‘You’re six years old now, Mary, and you’re going to begin going to a school here. You’re going to like it very much, because it’s a nice school.’
‘Is it an English school?’ Mary asked.
‘Yes, it is,’ her mother said
Mary went to the school, and enjoyed her lessons. Her mother always took her to school in the morning and brought her home in the afternoon. Last Monday her mother went to the school at 4 o’clock, and Mary ran out of her class.
‘We’ve got a new girl in our class today, Mummy,’ she said. ‘She’s six years old too, and she’s very nice, but she isn’t English. She’s German.’
‘Does she speak English?’ Mary’s mother asked.
‘No, but she laughs in English,’ Mary said happily.
🧿مری یک دختر انگلیسی بود اما در رم زندگی می کرد. او شش ساله بود. سال گذشته مادرش به او گفت : مری، تو الان شش ساله هستی و دیگر باید به مدرسه بروی. تو حتما آن مدرسه را خیلی دوست داری چون مدرسه زیبایی است.
مری پرسید : آنجا یک مدرسه انگلیسی است؟
مادرش جواب داد : بله، همینطوره.
مری به مدرسه رفت و از درس خیلی خوشش آمد. مادرش همیشه صبح او را به مدرسه می برد و بعد از ظهر به خانه می آورد. دوشنبه گذشته هنگامی که مادرش ساعت ۴ به مدرسه رفت، مری از کلاسش بیرون دوید.
مری گفت : مامان، ما امروز یک شاگرد جدید داریم. او هم شش ساله است و خیلی زیباست اما انگلیسی نیست. او آلمانی است.
مادر مری پرسید : انگلیسی صحبت می کند؟
مری با خوشحالی جواب داد : نه، اما به انگلیسی می خندد.
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🔰 Worm out of sth
از زیر کار در رفتن، شانه خالی کردن
🔻I think you are trying to worm out of helping your father.
من فکر میکنم تو داری سعی میکنی از کمک کردن به پدرت شونه خالی کنی.
🔰 Shoulder the responsibility
به گردن گرفتن مسولیت
🔻Philip must shoulder all the responsibility for decisions made in the meeting, good or bad he is responsible.
فیلیپ باید مسولیت تصمیمات گرفته شده در جلسه رو به گردن بگیره،خوب یا بد، اون مسوله.
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🔰 Pass the buck
به گردن دیگری انداختن
🔻Don't try to pass the buck, it is your responsibility, not mine!
سعی نکن گردن کسی بندازی، این مسولیت تو هست نه من!
🔰 Point one's finger at sb
کسی رومقصردانستن،به گردن دیگری انداختن
🔻I just tried to do what was right, and now everyone is pointing the finger at me.
من فقط تلاش کردم تا اون چیزی رو ک درست بود انجام بدم، اما حالا همه تقصیر رو میندازن گردن من.
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هدایت شده از English 4U
📕Imam Al-Sajjad (as) or Imam Sayyid al-Sajideen (as), another nickname of his meaning the one who prostrates, dedicated all his life to Allah, Islam and all human beings. He lived as a youth with his father, Imam Al-Hussein (as), and his uncle Imam Al-Hassan (as), and witnessed all the events that preceded Karbala, and became aware of the problems of the Muslim Ummah (community) and its suffering from injustice and tyranny.
#nickname کنیه
#prostrate سجده کردن
#dedicated وقف کردن
#youth جوانی
#witnessed شاهد بود
#preceded ماقبل
#aware آکاه بودن
#community امت
#suffering رنج
#injustice بی عدالتی
#tyranny ستمگری
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هدایت شده از English 4U
Imam Sajjad was determined to teach and change ethics in Islamic society. Why? Because, according to the analysis of Imam, an important part of the basic problem of the Islamic world that led to the tragedy of Karbala, was due to decadence and immorality of the people. If people had Islamic morality, Yazid, Ibn Ziyad, Omar Sa’ad and the others could not create the disaster.
#determined مصمم بودن
#ethics اصول اخلاق
#Islamic society جامعه اسلامی
#according بر اساس
#basic problem مشکل اساسی
#led منجر شد ( گذشته lead )
#tragedy فاجعه،مصیبت
# due to ناشی از
#decadence انحطات ،تنزل
#immorality فسق، بد اخلاقی
#morality اخلاق، سیرت
#create خلق کردن، آفریدن
#disaster فاجعه
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🔹Mrs Jones did not have a husband, but she had two sons. They were big, strong boys, but they were lazy. On Saturdays they did not go to school, and then their mother always said, ‘Please cut the grass in the garden this afternoon, boys.’ The boys did not like it, but they always did it.
Then somebody gave one of the boys a magazine, and he saw a picture of a beautiful lawn-mower in it. There was a seat on it, and there was a woman on the seat.
The boy took the picture to his mother and brother and said to them, ‘Look, that woman’s sitting on the lawn-mower and driving it and cutting the grass. We want one of those.’
‘One of those lawn-mowers?’ his mother asked.
‘No,’ the boy said. ‘We want one of those women. Then she can cut the grass every week.’
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خانم جونز شوهر نداشت، اما دو پسر داشت. آنها بزرگ و قوی اما تنبل بودند. شنبهها به مدرسه نمی رفتند. همیشه مادرشان به آنها می گفت : امروز بعد از ظهر چمنهای باغ را بچینید. پسرها این کار را دوست نداشتند اما همیشه این کار را انجام می دادند.
تا اینکه روزی یک نفر مجلهای به یکی از پسرها داد، و او نیز تصویری از یک چمنبر در آن مجله دید. روی چمنبر جایگاهی بود و زنی در آن جایگاه بود.
پسر مجله را برای برادر و مادرش برد و به آنها گفت : آن زن را نگاه کنید که روی چمنبر نشسته و با آن کار میکند و چمنها را می چیند. ما یکی از آنها را می خواهیم.
مادرش پرسید : یکی از آن چمنبرها را؟
پسر گفت : نه، یکی از آن زنها را م یخواهیم که هر هفته چمنها را بچیند.
🔸Mrs Jones did not have a husband, but she had two sons. They were big, strong boys, but they were lazy. On Saturdays they did not go to school, and then their mother always said, ‘Please cut the grass in the garden this afternoon, boys.’ The boys did not like it, but they always did it.
Then somebody gave one of the boys a magazine, and he saw a picture of a beautiful lawn-mower in it. There was a seat on it, and there was a woman on the seat.
The boy took the picture to his mother and brother and said to them, ‘Look, that woman’s sitting on the lawn-mower and driving it and cutting the grass. We want one of those.’
‘One of those lawn-mowers?’ his mother asked.
‘No,’ the boy said. ‘We want one of those women. Then she can cut the grass every week.’
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لطفا در ایتا مطلب را دنبال کنید
مشاهده در پیام رسان ایتا
Mr and Mrs Taylor had one child. he was a boy he was 7 years old ,and his name was Pat. now Mrs Taylor was expecting another childe .
Pat had seen babies in other people’s houses and had not liked them very much, so he was not delighted about the news that there was soon going to be one in his house to .
One evening Mr And Mrs Taylor were making plans for the baby’s arrival.
‘This house won’t to be big enough for us all when the baby comes .I suppose we’ll have to find a larger house and move to that ,’ said Mr Taylor finally.
Pat had been playing outside, but he came into the room just then and said , ’What are you talking about?’
‘We were saying that will have to move to another house now, because the new baby’s coming,’ his mother answered.
‘It’s no use,’ said Pat hopelessly. ’He’ll follow us there
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