⚛Do something today that your future self will thank you for it.🤩
🐾امروز کاری رو انجام بده که در آینده از خودت متشکر باشی💫
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#phrase #advance
⚛ Hate somebody's guts
🔶 چشم دیدن کسی را نداشتن، خیلی متنفر بودن
✳️ I know why she didn't invite me. #She_hates_my_guts.
✔️ میدونم چرا منو دعوت نکرد. چشم دیدن منو نداره.
✳️ We hate each other's guts.
✔️ ما چشم دیدن همدیگه رو نداریم.
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بیا من اداشو در میارم تو هم صداشو در بیار
ویس بگیر ببینم یاد گرفتی یا نه؟🤨
راستی یادت نره حتما جلوی آینده صداها رو دربیاری😂😂😐
10.78M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
A part and apart are often confused, especially by non-native speakers of English. Apart is mostly used as an adverb, denoting a separation between two or more things. A part (two words) means “a fraction of a whole,” or in theatre, “an actor’s role.” Apart from is a frequently used preposition.
When to Use “Apart”
Use apart adverbially to show how two things are separated physically, figuratively, or in time. Carefully avoid using a part when this is your intended meaning.
#Incorrect-My parents had my sister and me two years a part .
#Correct-My parents had my sister and me two years apart .
#Incorrect-Michelle and her husband don’t like to be a part for more than an hour or two.
#Correct-Michelle and her husband don’t like to be apart for more than an hour or two.
#Incorrect-My sister and I used to live close to one another, but now we live miles a part .
#Correct-My sister and I used to live close to one another, but now we live miles apart .
It can also be used to mean “to render in parts or pieces.”
The manager meant to bring his staff closer together with the “trust fall” exercise, but instead he tore them apart .
I sewed the hem too short on this dress, so I’m going to take it apart .
When to Use “A Part”
A part is two words: a is an article and part is a noun synonymous with piece. A part is frequently seen in the company of the preposition of.
Our neighbor Lucy has always felt like a part of our family.
May I have a part of your steak?
After a year or so, Mary began to feel like a part of her community.
Keep in mind that the article a might not be essential to your sentence. These three sentences, for example, are identical in meaning to the three above, and are equally correct.
Our neighbor Lucy has always felt like part of our family.
May I have part of your steak?
After a year or so, Mary began to feel like part of her community.
Of course, part can also refer to a piece of something in the sense of component.
#Exmaple-I’d like to fix my bike, but I have to buy a part for it.
Last, a part can refer to an actor’s role in a play, musical, or film.
#Exmaple-Did you audition for a part in the school play?
Apart from can be used as a preposition meaning “besides” or “except for.”
Apart from all the work I did keeping the rental house clean, it was a very enjoyable holiday.
Apart can also be used as an adjective in the sense of separate or isolated.
My taste in books and Samantha’s are worlds apart .
Tips to Remember “A Part” and “Apart”
Apart has to do with being or rendering separate.
A part is something that is a piece of something else that is considered whole or together.