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هدایت شده از English 4U
سلام دوست عزیز 🏃‍♂️معطلش نکن ، تو هم میتونی زبان انگلیسیتو مجانی تمرین کنی. فقط کافی بزنی روی لینک و عضوی از این کانال بشی. فرصت را از دست نده https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3739746385Cc701b191b0 چرا نمیای داخل گروه چت با دوستها ت انگلیسی مکالمه کنی ..... بزن روی لینک گروه https://eitaa.com/joinchat/3765043281C1f70b55b1b کانال و گروه انگلیش فور یو محیطی مناسب برای کلیه علاقمندان به فراگیری زبان انگلیسی🌷 برای تمام سطوح از مبتدی تا پیشرفته محتوا ارائه میشه. هر چهار مهارت یادگیری زبان دنبال میشه. 🌸 به دوست عزیزت هم بگو سریع خودش را بما برسونه😁
Mrs. Scott bought a new house last year. The walls of the rooms had been painted a short time before, and Mrs. Scott liked the colors, but the person who had sold her the house had taken the curtains with him, so Mrs. Scott had to buy new ones, and of course she wanted to buy ones whose colors would go with the walls of her rooms. She discovered that her comb was exactly the same color as these walls, so she always took it with her whenever she went to look for cloth for curtains. In one shop she showed the shopkeeper the comb and then looked at various cloths for curtains for half an hour with him, until he got tired and said to her, 'Madam, wouldn't it be easier just to buy some cloth you like, and then find a new comb to go with that? 📕خانم اسکات سال گذشته یک خانه جدید خرید. مدت کوتاهی قبل دیوار اتاق ها رنگ شده بود و خانم اسکات رنگ ها را دوست داشت، اما شخصی که خانه را به او فروخته بود پرده ها را با خود برده بود، بنابراین خانم اسکات مجبور شد پرده های جدید بخرد و البته او می خواست آنهایی را بخرد که رنگ آنها با دیوارهای اتاقش هماهنگ باشد. او متوجه شد که شانه‌اش دقیقاً همرنگ این دیوارها است، بنابراین هر زمان که به دنبال پارچه برای پرده می‌رفت، همیشه آن را با خود می‌برد. در یکی از مغازه ها شانه را به مغازه دار نشان داد و بعد نیم ساعت با او به پارچه های مختلف برای پرده نگاه کرد تا اینکه خسته شد و به او گفت: «خانم، آیا راحت تر نیست که پارچه ای که دوست دارید بخرید؟ و سپس یک شانه جدید
Mr. Richards worked in a shop which sold, cleaned and repaired hearing-aids. One day an old gentleman entered and put one down in front of him without saying a word. ‘What’s the matter with it?’ Mr. Richards said. The man did not answer. Of course Mr. Richards thought that the man must be deaf and that his hearing-aid must be faulty, so he said again, more loudly, ‘What’s wrong with your hearing-aid, sir? Again the man said nothing, so Mr. Richards shouted his question again as loudly as he could. The man then took a pen and a piece of paper and wrote: ‘It isn’t necessary to shout when you’re speaking to me. My ears are as good as yours. This hearing-aid is my wife’s, not mine. I’ve just had a throat operation, and my problem is not that can’t hear, but that I can’t speak. ربچاردز در مغازه‌ای كار مى كرد كه سمعك مى فروختند، آنرا تمیز و تعمیر نیز میكردند. يک روز پيرمرد متشخصى وارد مغازه شد. بدون اينكه كلمه‌اى بگويد، سمعكى را جلوى او گذاشت. آفاى ريچاردز گفت: ایرادش چیست؟ مرد جواب نداد. آقاى ريچاردز فكر كرد كه مرد بايد كر و سمعكش نيز خراب باشد، پس دوباره بلندتر گفت: آفا سمعك شـما چه ايرادى دارد، مرد دوباره چيزى نگفت. پس آقاى ريچاردز سئوالش را دوباره تا آنجا كه میتوانست با فرياد تكرار كرد. پيرمرد يک قلم و قطعه‌اى كاغذ برداشت و نوشت: احتياجى نيسـت وقتى با من صحبت مى كنى فرياد بزنى. گوش‌هاى من به خوبى گوش‌هاى شماست. اين سـمعک متعلق به همسرم مى باشد نه من. من فقط جراحى گلو كرده‌ام
📕The Monar Jonban (Persian: منار جنبان, romanized: shaking minarets), is a monument located in Isfahan, Iran. It was intended as a shrine, built over the grave of the Sufi ascetic Amu Abdullah Suqla. Construction on the building started in the era of the Ilkhanate, but it was finished during the Safavid Empire.The most notable feature of the building are the minarets, which both shake and sway when one of them is shook. 📒منار جنبان ، بنای تاریخی واقع در ایران، شهر اصفهان است. این بنا به عنوان زیارتگاهی در نظر گرفته شده بود که بر روی قبر زهد صوفی عمو عبدالله کارلادانی ساخته شد. ساخت این بنا در دوران ایلخانان آغاز شد، اما در زمان امپراتوری صفوی به پایان رسید. بارزترین ویژگی بنا مناره هایی است که با تکان دادن یکی از آنها هر دو منار تکان می خورد. 🇮🇷@English_4U
Beat the clock معنی: کاری را دقیقه ۹۰ انجام دادن In a desperate attempt to beat the clock, I raced to the post office to mail my college application before the final deadline. در یک تلاش ناامیدانه برای انجام کارم در دقیقه 90، به سمت اداره پست دویدم تا قبل از آخرین مهلت درخواست دانشگاهم را پست کنم. __________________________________________ Turn back the hands of time معنی: بازگویی، بازآفرینی یا بازگشت به گذشته. If I could turn back the hands of time, I would make sure to put on sunscreen before going outside every day. اگر می‌توانستم زمان را به عقب برگردانم، هر روز قبل از بیرون رفتن از کرم ضد آفتاب استفاده می‌کردم. __________________________________________ Once in a blue moon معنی: چیزی که به ندرت اتفاق می‌افتد. Because of the tight budget, our manager buys donuts for the office once in a blue moon. به دلیل بودجه کم، مدیر ما به ندرت برای کارمندان دونات می‌خرد. @English_4U
Susanne: Hi, Mario. Can you help me prepare some things for the next month? Mario: OK, sure. What can I help you with? Susanne: I need to visit the customer in Germany. It's important. Mario: What can I do to help? Susanne: Can you send an email to the customer? Ask them when I can visit them next week. Please do this first. It's a priority and very urgent. Mario: Right. I'll do it today. Susanne: Thanks. This next task is also important. Can you invite everyone to the next team meeting? Mario: Yes, I will. Susanne: But first you need to book a meeting room. After that, please send everyone an email about it. Mario: Yes, of course. Susanne: And finally, can you write a short report about our new project? I have to give a presentation to our managers next month. Please do it when you have time – sometime in the next two or three weeks. It's not too urgent. Mario: Sure, no problem. I can do it this week. Susanne: There's no hurry. Take your time. @English_4U
🌷13 Aban, Happy student day The day marks three important events in Iran’s contemporary history: the anniversary of the takeover of the former U.S. embassy in Tehran by Muslim student followers of the Imam Khomeini Line in 1979, the anniversary of the exile of the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini by Shah in 1964, and the Pupil (Student) Day (marking the day in 1978 on which several students taking part in a protest rally against the Pahlavi regime were martyred.) Those three separate significant events not only did they change the foundation of modern Iran, but also dealt a blow to the contemporary world order and the US imperialism. 📒این روز سه رویداد مهم در تاریخ معاصر ایران را رقم می زند: سالگرد تسخیر سفارت سابق آمریکا در تهران توسط دانشجویان مسلمان پیرو خط امام خمینی (ره) در سال 1979، سالگرد تبعید بنیانگذار فقید جمهوری اسلامی، امام خمینی (ره). توسط شاه در سال 1964، و روز دانش آموز (به مناسبت روزی در سال 1978 که در آن تعدادی از دانشجویان شرکت کننده در تجمع اعتراضی علیه رژیم پهلوی به شهادت رسیدند). ایران، بلکه ضربه ای به نظم جهانی معاصر و امپریالیسم آمریکا وارد کرد. 🔹@English_4U
🔸Mrs. Grey was old and deaf, and she was in court, accusing a neighbor of allowing his dogs to come into her garden, damage her vegetables and run after her cat and her chickens. After hearing both sides, the judge thought that it would be best and cheapest for everybody if Mrs. Grey and her neighbor could come to some sort of arrangement to settle the matter between themselves, so he asked the lawyer who was representing Mrs. Grey to find out how much money she wanted from her neighbor in order to stop the action against him. Her lawyer explained to her what was happening, but Mrs. Grey could not hear what he said, so he repeated loudly, ‘The judge wants to know what you will take. ‘Oh, thank you very much,’ Mrs. Grey answered politely. ‘Please tell him that I’ll have a cup of coffee.’ 🔹@English_4U
Mrs. Grey was old and deaf, and she was in court, accusing a neighbor of allowing his dogs to come into her garden, damage her vegetables and run after her cat and her chickens. After hearing both sides, the judge thought that it would be best and cheapest for everybody if Mrs. Grey and her neighbor could come to some sort of arrangement to settle the matter between themselves, so he asked the lawyer who was representing Mrs. Grey to find out how much money she wanted from her neighbor in order to stop the action against him. Her lawyer explained to her what was happening, but Mrs. Grey could not hear what he said, so he repeated loudly, ‘The judge wants to know what you will take. ‘Oh, thank you very much,’ Mrs. Grey answered politely. ‘Please tell him that I’ll have a cup of coffee.’ خانم گرى پیر و ناشنوا بود. او براى شكايت از همسایه‌اش، بخاطر اینكه به سكش اجازه داده بود تا به باغ او آمده و به سبزيجات او زيان برساند ونيز دنبال گربه و جوجه‌هايش كرده بود به دادگاه آمده بود قاضى بعـداز شئيدن حرفهاى طرفين دعوا، فكر كرد كه اگر خانم گری و همسايه‌اش میتوانستند ترتیبى بدهند تا در مورد موضوعى كه بين‌شان است به سازش برسند براى هر دوى آنها بهتر است و ارزانتر تمام من شـود. بنابراین به و كيلى كه نماينده خانم گرى بود گفت كه بررسى كند خانم گرى چه مقدار پول از همسايه‌اش میخواهد تا شكايت عليه او را پس گيرد. وکيل خانم گرى براى او توضيح داد كه چه اتفاقى افناده، اما نتوانست بشنود كه او چه گفت، پس او (وكيل)، با صداى بلندتر گفت؛ قاضى می‌خواست بداند که چه می‌خواهی؟ خانم گرى مؤدبانه جواب داد. اوه خيلى از شما متشكرم، لطفأ به او بگوئيـد كه مـن يک فنجان قهوه می‌خورم. 📒@English_4U
📒 Iranian Student Day & Timeless Struggle Against Global Arrogance روز دانش آموز ایرانی و مبارزه بی انتها با استکبار جهانی -Arrogance استکبار -Global جهانی -Against در مقابل -Struggle مبارزه -Timeless بی انتها
👨🏻‍💼A man who was bored with living in London and desired to move to the country was looking for a house from which he could get to his office in the city easily every day. One day he saw an advertisement for a suitable house in Hampshire which was claimed to be within a stone’s throw of a railway station from which there were frequent trains to London. He telephoned the house agency and arranged to go down by train the next day and have a look at the house. The house agent met him at the station and they drove to the house, which was at least a kilometer from the station. The man who had come to see the house turned to the house agent when they reached it and objected, ‘I should be very interested to meet the man who threw that stone you mentioned in your advertisement! 🔹@English_4U