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10.78M حجم رسانه بالاست
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A part and apart are often confused, especially by non-native speakers of English. Apart is mostly used as an adverb, denoting a separation between two or more things. A part (two words) means “a fraction of a whole,” or in theatre, “an actor’s role.” Apart from is a frequently used preposition. @English_4U
When to Use “Apart” Use apart adverbially to show how two things are separated physically, figuratively, or in time. Carefully avoid using a part when this is your intended meaning. -My parents had my sister and me two years a part . -My parents had my sister and me two years apart . -Michelle and her husband don’t like to be a part for more than an hour or two. -Michelle and her husband don’t like to be apart for more than an hour or two. -My sister and I used to live close to one another, but now we live miles a part . -My sister and I used to live close to one another, but now we live miles apart . @English_4U
It can also be used to mean “to render in parts or pieces.” - The manager meant to bring his staff closer together with the “trust fall” exercise, but instead he tore them apart . I sewed the hem too short on this dress, so I’m going to take it apart . @English_4U
When to Use “A Part” A part is two words: a is an article and part is a noun synonymous with piece. A part is frequently seen in the company of the preposition of. - Our neighbor Lucy has always felt like a part of our family. May I have a part of your steak? After a year or so, Mary began to feel like a part of her community. Keep in mind that the article a might not be essential to your sentence. These three sentences, for example, are identical in meaning to the three above, and are equally correct. - Our neighbor Lucy has always felt like part of our family. May I have part of your steak? After a year or so, Mary began to feel like part of her community. Of course, part can also refer to a piece of something in the sense of component. -I’d like to fix my bike, but I have to buy a part for it. Last, a part can refer to an actor’s role in a play, musical, or film. -Did you audition for a part in the school play? @English_4U
Apart from can be used as a preposition meaning “besides” or “except for.” - Apart from all the work I did keeping the rental house clean, it was a very enjoyable holiday. Apart can also be used as an adjective in the sense of separate or isolated. - My taste in books and Samantha’s are worlds apart . @English_4U
Tips to Remember “A Part” and “Apart” Apart has to do with being or rendering separate. A part is something that is a piece of something else that is considered whole or together. @English_4U
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English 4U
#challenge 5_what's she saying? ⚛ تست لیسنینگ ✴️ چی میشنوی؟ جواب رو سر بده تو #سطلمون ╭┄═•
پاسخ تست لیسنینگ باریکلا... عالی بود...😇🌹 ✔️She speaks very highly of you. خیلی قبولت داره. خیلی ازت تعریف می‌کنه. ✔️Speak very highly of someone کسی را خیلی قبول داشتن از کسی خیلی تعریف کردن ╭┄═• •═┄╮ @English_4U ╰┄═• •═┄╯