🦋Time is precious, waste it wisely.
🐾زمان با ارزشه آگاهانه خرجش کن.😎
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Tnx tnx tnx tnx😍😍😍😍
I wish u a successful nd bonanza nd happy year 4 uuuu😇🤲
I have the best wishes 4 the best friends🙃😉❤️
بله و به معنی این هست که این چیز خیلی برام ارزشمنده، یه دنیا برام ارزشمنده.
I really appreciate it, that means a lot to me.
English 4U member's happiness means a lot to us😍
Sorry 4 the lengthy text👇but I'm sure u r gonna know the difference after reading the text below 👇🤓😉
English 4U
Hi Tnx😊 Sorry 4 the lengthy text👇but I'm sure u r gonna know the difference after reading the text b
Suppose, believe, anticipate,
predict, they can all be synonyms of think.
And think has quite a few meanings as well.
It can be used in phrasal verbs and other expressions
but if we focus on the meaning that is
similar to the verbs we’ve been talking about,
then think means to feel that something is true,
based on facts or knowledge that you have.
So we use it to take an educated guess.
I think it’s going to be a hot day tomorrow.
So I’m making a guess and it’s based on
the weather that we’ve had in previous days this week
and maybe I’ve seen the weather report so I’m not
a hundred per cent confident that it’s going to be hot
but I’m using the information that I have
to make that guess.
And by using think, we’re communicating
that we’re unsure.
We’re not a hundred per cent certain right?
If I was certain then I would say:
It will be a hot day tomorrow.
I think we need to turn left but I’m a bit lost.
Now if you’re a regular student of mine,
then you’ll know that I’m often talking about
how important collocations are
and even with simple verbs like think,
it’s often the words that are used with it
where my students make mistakes.
So collocations are words that are commonly
used together in naturally spoken English.
And with the verb think,
the preposition of is often used.
When we think of something or someone, we’re
remembering them
and often
keeping their needs or their happiness in mind.
Our neighbour is always thinking of us
and dropping home-baked goodies on our doorstep.
If I think of someone as something then
I have a specific opinion about them.
I always thought of him as a great athlete.
Or I’ve always thought of myself as a city person
but I really enjoyed the peace and quiet of the farm.
If you think about something, then you’re
carefully considering it right? You’re weighing up
different options to make a decision.
I know I said I’d make the offer by the end of the week
but I need more time to think about it.
It’s a tough decision.
Quick note. It is much more natural when you’re
showing appreciation to someone to say:
Thanks for thinking of me.
Rather than: Thanks for thinking about me.
I suppose you’ve heard this verb before
but I wonder
if you are completely confident in how to use it.
We use the verb suppose when you generally
believe or you think that something is true or possible
but you’re not completely sure.
So of course
that sounds very similar to the definition of think, right?
Let’s look at an example.
I suppose he’s going to show up late again.
He always does.
I think he’s going to show up again.
He always does.
So both of these examples are correct.
You can use each of these verbs like this
but there is a subtle difference.
Think is just a little bit more certain
like you feel that you are right
whereas suppose suggests that
you’re not quite convinced of your own feelings.
Maybe you have some information,
enough to take a guess but you don’t really have any
solid proof.
And when you’re using think,
well you might also have some information
that helps you feel more confident about your feelings.
Maybe someone has said to you that they
hadn’t seen him in the office all day.
Maybe he regularly turns up late
so you’re using the information that you’ve got
to confidently take a guess.
When you’re using suppose
it puts your feelings in a little more doubt.
Now you can also use suppose when you are
being sarcastic when you
think that something is true or correct
but you’re not really happy about it.
I suppose I should finish my homework
before I come over.
You can also say
I suppose so as a way to agree with someone
and again to show that you have some
doubts or maybe that you’re not loving the idea.
Could you help me to edit this
report by the end of the day?
I suppose so.
Good luck✌️
💎【حدیث نبوی 】
⚜هر کس با نامحرم یا غیر از همسر خویش شوخی و مزاح کند 🕸 به اندازه هر کلمه ای که در دنیا سخن گفته باشد 👄
خداوند هزار سال او را در زندان دوزخ نگاه خواهد داشت. 😵☠
🏷وسائل الشیعه/ج 20/ص 198
پ.ن:وحشتناک تر ازاین نمیشههه🤭💔
⚜Everyone who jokes with a namahram or sb rather than his wife 🕸 as much as any word spoken in the world 👄 God will keep him/her in the prison of hell for a thousand years. 😵☠
PN: It can't be more horrible than this 🤭💔
English 4U
🧐من معمولا سعی میکنم شمرده بخونم تازه فکر میکردم دیگه خیلی دارم آروم می خونم😅می خواستم یکم سرعت بدم
بله ویس ها تولید خودمون هست🤓
از تولید به مصرف
بدو بیا این ور بازاااار
ویس گرفتم عجب ویسییی😂
بدو بیااااا تموم شد😁