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کتابفروشی سیاره انگلیسی
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eplanet4u |کتابفروشی سیاره انگلیسی تو 🔴اینجا هم روزانه مطالب آموزشی میذاریم 🟠هم کلی کتاب خوب معرفی میکنیم . . شماره تماس 09191964843 امیرحسین متقیان . @eplanet ارتباط با ادمین
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🎁🤨آقا هیچکی درست حدس نزد😅 متنشو نوشتم پایین فعل break down رو ببینید چطور بکار برده👇 Ok this was not far the plan, I've broken down and I'm on the side of the road and all that happens when I turn my car on is this it won't start
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خب فریزال ورب امروز👇 Burst into : Suddenly start doing something, changing very quickly from one state or situation to the other.
🔴She burst into tears as the verdict was read. 🔴I burst into tears of joy. 🔴The driver escaped with no injuries after the car burst into flames. 🔴A terrified passenger described the moment the engine burst into flames. 🔴He burst into helpless laughter at the ridiculous exaggeration. 🔴The crowd burs into wild applause. 🔴He burst into a fit of giggles. 🔴Carnival celebrations burst into life as thousands of revellers took to the streets. 🔴They surprised us by bursting into song. 🔴I love it when poppies burst into flower. 🔴Some bulbs burst into bloom very early in spring. 🔴The trees in our garden have burst into blossom. 🔴The buds were bursting into leaves. 🔴The conflict might burst into full-scale war. @eplanet4
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🔴خب فریزال ورب امروز Call off = Cancel or decide not to do an event or arrangement that was planned. کنسل کردن کاری که قبلا میخواستی انجام بدی
🔴We've had to call off the meeting. 🔴The meeting was called off because of bad weather. 🔴It is a disappointment the game was called off. 🔴With snow falling steadily, the game was called off hours before the start. 🔴The match was called off within 20 minutes. 🔴The decision to call off the match was announced at a press conference. 🔴It may be best to call off the engagement. 🔴Authorities have called off the search for the missing woman. 🔴They were forced to call off the ceremony. 🔴Due to unforeseen circumstances the event has been called off. 🔴Sadly, we have decided to call off the wedding. 🔴Students say they will call off the protest only if the government accepts their demands. 🔴The police called off the chase because it was getting too dangerous. 🔴The alert was called off after the girl was found.
صبح بخیر دوستان❤️❤️ فریزال ورب امروز👇 🔴Come across = Meet or find by chance =run into =bump into ملاقات یا پیدا کردن یک نفر به صورت اتفاقی
🔴I came across some old photos the other day. 🔴I came across an old friend I hadn't seen for years. 🔴I came across this article the other day and it got me thinkingWe have never come across more friendlier and helpful staff. 🔴The only problem I came across was the wait time. 🔴I have never come across such a stubborn person.
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کتاب thoughts and notions کتابی برای تقویت درک مطلب👆❤️
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