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Grade 1
19 دنبال‌کننده
39 عکس
2 ویدیو
0 فایل
مشاهده در ایتا
Also please practise the first page of "Tiny Diny" reading with your beauties very well.
Hello dears Please ask your beauties to find the number of sides of these shapes and send the picture to me.
Also please ask them to read the "Tiny Diny" poem for you and send their cute voices to me.
Hello dears Please ask your darlings to do this math worksheet and send the picture to me.👇
Also please be informed that for next week's reading exam, your beauties need to be able to read the readings from page 56 to 97 of their English book.
Hello respected ones Please be informed that we will study and practise "Social studies" in the second Computing class on wednesday.
Hello dears Please ask your sweeties to draw two objects with different size and color lines in the computer and send the picture to me.
Also please ask them to take a photo of your Recycle bin in house and send the picture to me.
Hello dears Please be informed that the students who didn't take their reading exams can take it tomorrow, OR they can send me a video of their reading UNDER A SPECIFIC CONDITION and send the video to me by the following wednesday.
If you're eager to send me a video, please let me know.
Hello dears Please ask your darlings to do these math worksheets about 3D shapes and send the picture to me.👇
Also please practise page 100 and 101 of their English book with them very well.
This is a video for a better understanding of the difference between 2D and 3D shapes👇 we practised at school.
And this one can help them with the shapes' names☝️
Hello dears Please ask your beauties to write down these words five times👇 and send the picture to me. With, Sun, Hug, Run, Bug, Fun, Bus, Cup, Cut, But
Also please practise page 100 to 103 of their English book with them very well.
Hello dears Please ask your cuties to tell you what would happen if there were no rules in world and send their cute voices to me.
Hello respected ones Please be informed that the materials which will be included in saturday math exam will be multiplication, comparing length, weigh and capacity, 2D shapes, sides and vertices, 3D shapes.
Hello dears Please practise the whole "the lost stars" reading with your cuties very well, and ask them to find the words with silent "gh" and send the picture to me.