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ارائه محتوا، مقاله، کلیپ، کتاب و... در زمینه تبلیغات بین الملل(امین چهاردولی) @aminchahardoli
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The Secrets of the Pause in Arafat Day of Arafah   Arafah is the day when the Almighty called His servants to worship and obey Him, extended His favor to them, and promised them to forgive their sins and cover their faults.  This article intends to explain some of the philosophies of stopping pilgrims on this day. There are many secrets of Arafat, some of them mentioned in the hadith of Shibli are: 1. Understanding religious and divine knowledge standing in Arafat is for a person to become familiar with religious knowledge and sciences and to learn about the divine secrets of the creation system.  God is aware of all human needs and is able to meet all of them. Surrender yourself to God and obey Him only, His obedience is the capital and means of every needlessness. Therefore, Imam Sajjad (a.s.) said to the beggar who was begging on the day of Arafah:              "Woe to you! On such a day, do you reach out your hand in need to someone other than God; on such a day, the hope of happiness for children in the womb goes away." 2. Arafat, a place of perception and intuition Pilgrims should become know there, that God Almighty is aware of the hidden and the visible, their heart and their secrets, and even that which is not clear to them and passes unconsciously in the corners of their souls.” Whether you speak loudly [or in secret tones,] He (God) indeed knows the secret and what is still more hidden. “(Taha (20): 7) 3. A place for true repentance and forgiveness of sins On this day, Almighty God pays special attention to three places and three groups of people; Karbala and the pilgrims of Imam Hussain (as), the desert of Arafat and the pilgrims of Baitullah(Mecca), and wherever people pray or Dua'a, God's special attention is drawn to them @Islamicbeliefss
Imam Khamenei’s 2023 Hajj Message In the Name of God, the Beneficent, the Merciful   Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings be upon the Great Messenger of God, Muhammad al-Mustafa and upon his Pure Progeny and upon his chosen Companions. The Abrahamic call to Hajj and his universal invitation have once again addressed the entire world from the heart of history, making eager and excited the hearts that are ready and which remember. The invitation is addressed to all human beings: “And proclaim the Hajj to all the people” (Holy Quran 22:27). The Kaaba is the blessed host and a guide for all people: “Indeed, the first house to be set up for humankind is the one at Bakkah [Kaaba], blessed and a guidance for all nations” (Holy Quran 3:96). The Kaaba, as the focal point and the main focus of attention of all Muslims, and also the Hajj ritual as a small example of the extensive diversity of the Islamic world, can serve to elevate human society and improve the health and security of all people. Hajj can bless all humanity with spiritual and moral elevation, and this is the vital need of humankind today. Hajj can annul and render ineffectual all the plans of the Arrogant Powers and Zionism for the moral downfall of humanity – today and in the future. That which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of this universal impact is that as a first measure Muslims
themselves should properly hear the life-giving message of Hajj and do their utmost to implement it. The two main foundations of this message are "unity" and "spirituality." Unity and spirituality are what guarantee the material and spiritual advancement of the Islamic world and its enlightening the entire world. Unity means being connected both intellectually and in practice. It means that hearts, thoughts, and orientations come closer together. It means a synergy in science and experience. It means having an economic connection between Islamic countries. It means the existence of trust and cooperation between Muslim governments. It means working together against common, definite enemies. Unity means that the plots designed by the enemy cannot set Islamic denominations, nations, races, languages, and the diverse cultures of the Islamic world against each other. Unity means that Muslim nations should know each other, not through the enemy's seditious descriptions, but through communication, dialogue, and interaction. They should be aware of each other’s potential and capacities and make plans to benefit from them. Unity means that the scientists and universities of the Islamic world work hand in hand together, the scholars of Islamic schools view each other in good faith and with tolerance and fairness, and they listen to each other's words. The intellectual elites in all countries and of all denominations acquaint the people with each other's commonalities, and encourage coexistence and brotherhood. Unity also means that political and cultural leaders in Islamic countries should prepare themselves in a coordinated manner for the situation that will exist in the upcoming world order. They need to determine with their own hands and by their own will the proper place for the Islamic Ummah in the new global experience, which is filled with opportunities and threats. They should not allow the bitter experience of the political and territorial engineering of West Asia at the hands of Western governments after WWI to be repeated. Spirituality means advancing religious ethics. The enchantment of "ethics minus religion," which has long been promoted by Western intellectual sources, has resulted in this unrestrained collapse of ethics in the West that everyone in the world is witnessing. Spirituality and ethics should be learned from the Hajj rituals, from the simplicity that exists in Ihram, from the negation of illusory privileges, from “feeding the destitute and the needy,” from “there is to be no sexual contact, vicious talk, or disputing,” from the circumambulation of the entire Ummah around the axis of monotheism, from the Stoning of the Devil [shaytān], and from the Disavowal of the Polytheists [mushrikīn]. My brothers and sisters who are performing the Hajj! Take advantage of the opportunity that Hajj provides to contemplate and ponder on the secrets and mysteries of this unparalleled obligatory action and make it a provision for the rest of your life. At this juncture in time and more than in the past, unity and spirituality are subject to the enmity and sabotage of the Arrogant Powers and Zionism. The US and other centers of Arrogance are strongly opposed to the unity of Muslims, to the understanding between nations, countries, and Islamic governments, and to the religiosity and commitment to religion of the younger generation in these nations. They are intensely opposed to these and they will fight these with any means they can. It is the duty of all of us, the duty of all nations, and the duty of our governments to stand against this evil scheme of the US and Zionist regime. Ask the All-knowing, All-powerful God for help. Strengthen the spirit of “Disavowal of the Polytheists” in yourselves, and oblige yourself to spread and strengthen this spirit in the environment where you are living. I ask Almighty God to grant all of you Iranian and non-Iranian pilgrims, success and an accepted and blessed Hajj, and I wish for all of you the accepted prayers of the great Vestige of Allah remaining on earth [Imam Mahdi (aj
)] – may our souls be sacrificed for him.   May God’s greetings and mercy be upon you. Sayyid Ali Khamenei Dhu al-Hijjah 6, 1444 June 25, 2023 @Islamicbeliefss
حجم رسانه بالاست
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در این کلیپ می‌بینیم: ۱. حوادث شش ماه قبل از روز عاشورا. ۲. پنج اقدام ابن زیاد که منجر به تنهایی مسلم شد. ۳. محکوم شدن ابن زیاد در مقابل مسلم بن عقیل در کاخ کوفه. ۴. حوادث روز عاشورا. در انتشار این اثر ما را یاری فرمایید. In this clip we see: 1. The events that occurred 6 months before the day of Ashura. 2. The five actions of Ibn Ziyad that led to the isolation of Muslim. 3. Ibn Ziyad is condemned in front of Muslim in the palace of Kufa. 4. The events of Ashura. Please help us sharing this work. 📡 Awaited Imam International Institute
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🔴 دادگاهی برای رسیدگی به اتهامات مدرسه ♻️ در کلیپ بالا دادگاه نمادینی برای محاکمه «مدرسه» برقرار شده است. اتهام مدرسه توسط مدعی العموم قرائت می‌شود. مدرسه در جایگاه متهم حاضر می‌شود. اتهامات عبارتند از: قتل خلاقیت، تفکر و هویت فردی دانش آموزان. 📕 مدعی العموم اسناد متعددی را برای اثبات مدعایش ارائه می‌دهد. @Islamicbeliefss
حجم رسانه بالاست
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♦️‌ توصیف امام حسین از زبان دیگران؛ روایت‌های شنیدنی از اندیشمندان و شخصیت‌های غیر مسلمان 🔹‌ ‌ دکتر ادوارد کسلر، مدیر موسسه وولف دانشگاه کمبریج: امام حسین علیه السلام، الگوی خرد، عدالت اجتماعی و مصلح اجتماعی است، او یک مثال شگفت انگیز در اسلام است. 🔹‌ ‌ بونی اوانس، کشیش: یک جمله است که من به طرق مختلف تکرار می‌کنم؛ هر روز عاشوراست، همه جا کربلاست. @Islamicbeliefss
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🔰آیا اسلام با زور شمشیر گسترش پیدا کرده❓ 🔹بر خلاف قرآن، در انجیل ۲۰۰ بار کلمه شمشیر آمده! @Islamicbeliefss
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🌟 صحبت های دکتر کریس هیور یک محقق مسیحی درخصوص امام زمان 🌸 اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج 🌸 @Islamicbeliefss
زیارت اربعین با ترجمه انگلیسی @Islamicbeliefss
حجم رسانه بالاست
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⭕️ زینب قوی باش! 🎤Be Strong Zainab! Be strong Zaynab After I go Be strong Zaynab Don't cry so Be strong Zaynab You have to fight Be strong Zaynab Show them what's right Be strong Zaynab Your task is great Be strong Zaynab This is our fate Be strong Zaynab Don't let Sukaina cry Be strong Zaynab After I die .... ___ ✒️Poetry: Br. Hassan Tavakolli      🎙Recitation: Br. Mahdy Dardashty  🎶Mix and Mastering: Ali Vahid  @Islamicbeliefss
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🇯🇴🇯🇴🇯🇴 هُوَ الَّذِي أَخْرَجَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ مِن دِيَارِهِمْ لِأَوَّلِ الْحَشْرِ مَا ظَنَنتُمْ أَن يَخْرُجُوا وَظَنُّوا أَنَّهُم مَّانِعَتُهُمْ حُصُونُهُم مِّنَ اللَّهِ فَأَتَاهُمُ اللَّهُ مِنْ حَيْثُ لَمْ يَحْتَسِبُوا وَقَذَفَ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ الرُّعْبَ يُخْرِبُونَ بُيُوتَهُم بِأَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَيْدِي الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فَاعْتَبِرُوا يَا أُولِي الْأَبْصَارِ It is He who expelled the faithless belonging to the People of the Book from their homes at the outset of [their] en masse banishment. You did not think that they would go out, and they thought their fortresses would protect them from Allah. But Allah came at them from whence they did not reckon and He cast terror into their hearts. They demolish their houses with their own hands and the hands of the faithful. So take lesson, O you who have insight! @Islamicbeliefss
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🎥مجری شبکه تلویزیونی اسکای نیوز: «آیا میدانید وقتی برق بیمارستانها را قطع می‌کنید، عده‌ای از نوزادان داخل دستگاه Incubator جان خود را از دست می‌دهند؟» 🔺فتالی بنت،‌ وزیر سابق دولت اسرائیل: آیا جدی از من در مورد فلسطینی ها می پرسی؟ ما با نازی ها می‌جنگیم. واضح است که ما دشمن خود را از آب و برق محروم می‌کنیم، چه مشکلی برای شما داره؟ این چه سؤالی است که می‌پرسی؟ شرم بر شما @Islamicbeliefss
الکس دوگین متفکر مشهور روسیه یمن چهره و حیثیت تمام تمدن اسلامی را حفظ کرده است. شیعه خالص همیشه آماده قربانی شدن و تحمل سختی های بیشتر برای دفاع از حق است و این قانون تشیع است. https://eitaa.com/Islamicbeliefss
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Ricardo Whilby, a political activist speaks at a board of education meeting in Teaneck, New Jersey on December 14, 2023. Mr. Whilby made some comments about the Jewish role in the Black Slave Trade and about the US government supporting Israel. https://eitaa.com/Islamicbeliefss
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انقلاب اسلامی و انقلاب کبیر فرانسه و علت عدم ماندگاری انقلاب فرانسه @Islamicbeliefss