🔴 LIVE FROM QOM: Muharram 2024
⛓ islamicpulse.tv/live
⛓ studentsofqom.org/live
Organized By: Students of Qom (SoQ)
Technical Assistance: Islamic Pulse Studios
📸 "Peace be upon al-Husayn (A), the one for whom heavenly Angels wept."
#ImamAlMahdi #ZiyaratAlNahiyah #Peace #Husayn #Karbala #Angels #AngelsWept #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Hadith #ImamHusayn #Muharram #Muharram2024 #ImamMahdi #Mahdi #ZiyaratNahiyah #Ziyarat #Hussain #ImamHussain #Muharram1446 #Ashura #Ashura1446 #Ashura2024 #WhoIsHusayn #Karbala #Sacrifice #Martyrdom #Martyr #Shahadat #Noha #Dua #Prayer #Heaven #Paradise
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🎦 Learn in Muharram, Learn for Life | Sister Fatima
Isn't the holy month of Muharram an excellent divine opportunity for us to learn new things that will reform us?
And don't the Muharram mourning ceremonies give us all a much needed relief from all the grief and sadness that is engulfing the world?
Sister Fatima talks about how we must learn in the month of Muharram, but we must learn it for the rest of our lives.
Our condolences to the believers and to all of humanity upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his faithful companions, where you are.
#IslamicPulse #Islam #Allah #Shia #Ahlulbayt #Muharram #Muharram1446 #Safar #Safar1446 #Muharram2024 #Safar2024 #Ashura #Karbala #Ashura2024 #Ashura1446 #WhoIsHusayn #ImamHusayn #ImamHussain #Martyr #Martyrdom #Shaheed #Truth #Justice #Mourning #Majlis #Majalis #Noha #Tyrant #Oppressor #Yazid
Duration: 01:48
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🔴 LIVE FROM QOM: Muharram 2024
⛓ islamicpulse.tv/live
⛓ studentsofqom.org/live
Organized By: Students of Qom (SoQ)
Technical Assistance: Islamic Pulse Studios
📸 "Peace be upon the parched lips."
#ImamAlMahdi #ZiyaratAlNahiyah #Peace #Husayn #ParchedLips #Karbala #Angels #AngelsWept #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Hadith #ImamHusayn #Muharram #Muharram2024 #ImamMahdi #Mahdi #ZiyaratNahiyah #Ziyarat #Hussain #ImamHussain #Muharram1446 #Ashura #Ashura1446 #Ashura2024 #WhoIsHusayn #Karbala #Sacrifice #Martyrdom #Martyr #Shahadat #Noha #Dua #Prayer #Heaven #Paradise
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🎦 Abu Thumamah al-Sa'idi | Unsung Heroes
Who was Abu Thumamah al-Sa'idi, the Muezzin of Imam Husayn (A)?
What Imams (A) did Abu Thumamah support and fight alongside with?
What are some interesting points about the life of Abu Thumamah?
What did Abu Thumamah do in terms of his support for Muslim ibn Aqeel (A)?
And finally, how did Abu Thumamah al-Sa'idi attain the lofty status of martyrdom?
Find out in this episode of "Unsung Heroes" as Sayyid Haydar Jamaludeen goes through some of the beautiful, honorable, and yet largely overlooked "Unsung Heroes" of Islam.
Our condolences to the believers and to all of humanity upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his faithful companions, where you are.
#IslamicPulse #UnsungHeroes #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhulBayt #Husayn #Muslim #Martyrdom #Shahadat #History #Martyr #Shaheed #Honor #Valor #Sacrifice #Chivalry #Courage #AbuThumamah #Karbala #Kufa #Ashura #Mecca #Muharram2024 #Muharram1446 #Ashura #Ashura1446 #Muharram #Safar #ImamHusayn #WhoIsHusayn? #ImamHussain #TheAwaitedOne #Wilayah #Imamate #Truth #Arbaeen #IslamicRevolution #IslamicAwakening #Majalis #Majlis #Masaib #Matam #Honor #Falsehood #Evil #Taghut
Duration: 09:18
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🔴 LIVE FROM QOM: Muharram 2024
⛓ islamicpulse.tv/live
⛓ studentsofqom.org/live
Organized By: Students of Qom (SoQ)
Technical Assistance: Islamic Pulse Studios
📸 "If it were not that the will of my Master is the will of the Most-Merciful [Allah], I would have come down upon you like an angry hunting hawk comes down upon flying sparrows."
#AbbasIbnAli #ManaqibSadatulKeram #Abbas #Ghazi #FlagBearer #Alamdar #HazratAbbas #Mashkiza #Husayn #ParchedLips #Karbala #AngelsWept #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Shia #Hadith #ImamHusayn #Muharram #Muharram2024 #Hussain #ImamHussain #Muharram1446 #Ashura #Ashura1446 #Ashura2024 #WhoIsHusayn #Karbala #Sacrifice #Martyrdom #Martyr #Shahadat #Noha #Dua #Prayer #Heaven #Paradise
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