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🎦 Bashir ibn Amr al-Hadrami pt. 2 | Unsung Heroes What dire news was given to Bashir ibn Amr al-Hadrami on the night before the 10th of Muharram 61 A.H? And what had happened to Bashir's son in the city of Rey? And between aiding Imam Husayn (A) and saving his son, who did Bashir ibn Amr al-Hadrami choose? Finally, what did Bashir ibn Amr say that even Imam al-Mahdi (A) quotes it in Ziyarah Nahiyah? Find out in this episode of "Unsung Heroes" as Sayyid Haydar Jamaludeen goes through some of the beautiful, honorable, and yet largely overlooked "Unsung Heroes" of Islam. Our condolences to the believers and to all of humanity upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his faithful companions, where you are. ? Duration: 05:59 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Arbaeen Is Building The New Islamic Civilization | Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi Is the New Islamic Civilization built upon the concepts of materialism? How important is it to fulfill the needs of our Muslim brothers and sisters? How does the Arbaeen pilgrimage manifest beautiful divine virtues? And how is the Arbaeen pilgrimage building the New Islamic Civilization? In this Scholar Clip, Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi speaks about how "Arbaeen Is Building The New Islamic Civilization". Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his loyal companions. Duration: 03:04 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Karbala Stories | Season II | Episode IV Welcome to Season II of "Karbala Stories". In Episode IV, we hear the story of Muslim ibn Aqeel (A). The people of Kufa write thousands of letters inviting Imam Husayn (A) to the city of Kufa. Imam Husayn (A) sends his emissary, Muslim ibn Aqeel (A) to the city of Kufa. But that which awaits Muslim ibn Aqeel (A) is a tragedy quickly unfolding through the pages of time. The story of Karbala continues. Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A), his honorable family members, and his devoted companions. Duration: 03:50 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 The Renewal of Allegiance on the 40th | CubeSync The Day of Arbaeen is soon to be upon us. Millions across the world are on the move as they undertake 'The Great Pilgrimage of Arbaeen', which culminates in the world's largest annual public on the 20th of Safar, in ode of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Husayn ibn Ali (A). Yet, what does the term 'Arbaeen' mean as regards to Imam Husayn (A)? And what has all of humanity witnessed recent years when it comes to the Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A)? What does this great ocean of countless millions pay homage to in this 'Great Pilgrimage of Arbaeen'? How and when did these countless millions in Karbala on Arbaeen, and many other countless millions across the world pay allegiance to Imam Husayn (A)? And finally, what did all these countless millions all across the world pledge an allegiance to, wherever they are? Sayyid Shahryar answers in this episode of CubeSync, and speaks about how "The Renewal of Allegiance on the 40th" in this CubeSync special dedicated to the Arbaeen of the Master of Martyrs (A). Our condolences to the believers, all across the world, wherever you are, upon the Arbaeen of Sayyid al-Shuhada Imam al-Husayn (A), his beloved family members, and his devout companions. Salutations be upon the Master of Martyrs! Salutations be upon the esteemed Husayn! Salutations be upon the esteemed Ali ibn Husayn! Salutations be upon the innocent children of Husayn! Salutations be upon the loyal companions of Husayn! Duration: 06:06 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Karbala Stories | Season II | Episode V Welcome to Season II of "Karbala Stories". In Episode V, we relate the story of her eminence, lady Ummul Baneen (A). Caravans were returning to the city of Medina and began to relate the tragedy of Karbala. Stories about a brave and noble man by the name of Abbas (A) were being spoken of by the people. But Lady Ummul Baneen (A) only wanted to know about what happened to Imam Husayn (A). The story of Karbala continues. Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the recent Arbaeen of Imam Husayn (A), his honorable family members, and his devoted companions. Duration: 04:08 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Suwayd Ibn Amr | Unsung Heroes Who was the final companion of Imam Husayn (A) to be martyred in the battle of Karbala? Is it possible for us to also become the companions of the Imam (A) of our time? Who did Suwayd ibn Amr go out with towards the battlefield in Karbala? What should be our main duty and objective in life? And finally, how did Suwayd ibn Amr make his last stand? Find out in this episode of "Unsung Heroes" as Sayyid Haydar Jamaludeen goes through some of the beautiful, honorable, and yet largely overlooked "Unsung Heroes" of Islam. Our condolences to the believers and to all of humanity upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his faithful companions, where you are. Duration: 04:59 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Handhalah Ibn As'ad | Unsung Heroes Who was Handhalah ibn As'ad? Where did Imam Husayn (A) send Handhalah ibn As'ad? What was the ultimate duty of the companions of Imam Husayn (A)? Who was one of the companions who protected Imam Husayn (A) from the arrows that were thrown toward his eminence? What did Handhalah ibn As'ad say to the enemy on the day of Ashura? And finally, how did Handhalah ibn As'ad attain the glorious status of martyrdom? Find out in this episode of "Unsung Heroes" as Sayyid Haydar Jamaludeen goes through some of the beautiful, honorable, and yet largely overlooked "Unsung Heroes" of Islam. Our condolences to the believers and to all of humanity upon the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Husayn (A), his noble family members, and his faithful companions, where you are. Duration: 06:18 Islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 I Gots The Arbaeen Fever | Keepin' It Real So as predicted by the predictability analysis department at Islamic Pulse, the Keepin' It Real crew skedaddled over to the far away lands of Iraq to attend the Arbaeen of the Master of Martyrs, Imam Husayn (A). And this time, we made sure to take our snazzy little cameras to get all the great shots we wanted to share with our honorable viewers that the mass media clowns are hiding from the world. So what in the world is the 'Arbaeen Fever' and someone for God's sake, please tell us if it's dangerous and contagious? Well, take a peak and you just might find out whether or not you gots the 'Arbaeen Fever'. But by the end of the episode, we'll have you praying to catch the 'Arbaeen Fever', because it's one fever that you won't want to get rid of. Hey, we're just "Keepin' It Real", wherever you are! Duration: 21:29 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp