📸 "It is better for a Muslim to bear patiently certain instances of Jihad even for a single day than to worship for 40 years."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #YahyaSinwar #Muslim #Jihad #worship #Palestine #IslamicResistance #Gaza #Shaheed #Martyr #Martyrdom #Hamas #PalestineResistance
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🎦 There Is No Lesser of Two Evils | Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi
Who should we vote for as citizens who live abroad in non-Islamic lands?
Do we have voter options that will turn out better for all Muslims across the world?
And ultimately, is there a lesser of two evils option that we can choose when we and if we go to the voter booth?
In this Scholar Clip, Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi talks about how "There Is No Lesser of Two Evils", wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #ScholarClip #Islam #Allah #Quran #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #MassMedia #Voting #Voter #VoterBooth #IVoted #America #USA #England #Britain #UK #France #Germany #Democracy #WesternLiberalDemocracy #Biden #Harris #Trump #Macron #Merkel #LePen #IslamicRepublic #Truth #ImamKhomeini #ImamKhamenei #Rahbar #TheLeader #Faith #Wisdom
Duration: 04:23
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34.82M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
❓ QnA | What Is The Fruit Of Martyrdom? | Sayyid Agha Ali Raza
What does martyrdom prove? Why is that the best of the believers yearn for the martyrdom in the path of truth and righteousness? What is the ultimate fruit of martyrdom?
Sayyid Agha Ali Raza answers it in a live interactive session organized by the Students of Qom (SoQ) on 3 October 2024.
Full session link: https://www.shiatv.net/video/1122615319
#QnA #FAQ #InteractiveSession #Questions #Answers #reels #status #short #shahadah #shahadat #sayyidhasannasrallah #truepromise2
Duration: 03:30
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📸 "Verily Allah has made Jihad obligatory and has magnified it and made it a [source of] triumph and a helper."
#ImamAli #Hadith #YahyaSinwar #Jihad #Palestine #IslamicResistance #Gaza #Shaheed #Martyr #Martyrdom #Hamas #PalestineResistance
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🎦 On What Date Will Imam Mahdi (A) Reappear | Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)
Have you ever wondered about the date on which Imam al-Mahdi (A) will reappear?
And what do the traditions tell us about the date on which Imam al-Mahidi (A) will reappear?
Well, Sister Fatima explains "On What Date Will Imam Mahdi (A) Reappear".
You're in for a surprise!
"Me, You, & Imam Mahdi (A)" is a series which deals with fundamental questions about the Savior of Humanity, Imam al-Mahdi (A), so we can get to know his eminence just a little bit better, wherever you are.
#IslamicPulse #MeYouImamMahdi #Allah #Islam #AhlulBayt #Muslim #Shia #Revolution #IslamicRevolution #Resistance #ImamMahdi #Occultation #TheSavior #AwaitedSavior #Savior #Salvation #AlMahdi #TheReformer #EndOfTimes #Mahdi #TheMahdi #AwaitedOne #Shaban #Qaim #15Shaban #Jamkaran #Imamate #Wilayate #WorldReligions #Humanity #TheGuide
Duration: 02:06
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33.25M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
❓ QnA | Is israel Winning The Battle? | Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi & Sayyid Agha Ali Raza
Some may say that the zionist regime of israel is winning the battle. How true is that? How do we define winning and how is losing defined? What has the criminal and terrorist zionist regime accomplished so far? And why is the terrorist regime acting like a maniac monster?
Sayyid Shahryar Naqvi & Sayyid Agha Ali Raza answer it in a live interactive session organized by the Students of Qom (SoQ) on 3 October 2024.
Full session link: https://www.shiatv.net/video/1122615319
#QnA #FAQ #InteractiveSession #Questions #Answers #reels #status #short #shahadah #shahadat #sayyidhasannasrallah #truepromise2
Duration: 03:20
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📸 "Whoever dies, having neither waged a campaign [against oppression] nor having intended to do so, dies on a branch of hypocrisy."
#HolyProphetMuhammad #HolyProphet #ProphetMuhammad #Muhammad #hypocrisy #oppression
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18.31M حجم رسانه بالاست
مشاهده در ایتا
❓ QnA | Is Everything Fair In Love & War? | Shaykh Ali Qomi
While the ruthless and merciless zionist regime of israel is committing a genocide in Palestine and Lebanon, why are we not carrying out a genocide in response? Why does the Resistance continue to attack primarily the military targets in the illegally occupied lands?
Shaykh Ali Qomi answers it in a live interactive session organized by the Students of Qom (SoQ) on 3 October 2024.
Full session link: https://www.shiatv.net/video/1122615319
#QnA #FAQ #InteractiveSession #Questions #Answers #reels #status #short #shahadah #shahadat #sayyidhasannasrallah #truepromise2
Duration: 01:50
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