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Islamic Pulse
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Unveiling the belief system, jurisprudence, social/political issues, philosophical/theological foundation, Pure Islam
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🎦 Palestine & Lady Zaynab (S) | Lady Zaynab (A) Special | One Minute Wisdom So you might well be wondering, what's the connection between Palestine & Lady Zaynab (A)? Well, before we get into that, salutations and congratulations upon the auspicious birth anniversary of her eminence lady Zaynab bint Ali (A)! And now back to our subject, well, the connection between Palestine and lady Zaynab (A) can be found in this One Minute Wisdom where Sayyid Shahryar lets us all know the connection between Palestine and lady Zaynab (A) using the divine words of her eminence, lady Zaynab (A). "Palestine Will Be Free, From The River To The Sea!"; it's only a matter of time and steadfastness. Duration: 01:36 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 The perpetrator of the wrong act, their accomplice, and the one who approves of it – all three are equally to blame for the wrong. islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 5 Things You Didn't Know About Lady Zaynab (A) | Sister Fatima In ode to lady Zaynab (A), we've got "5 Things You Didn't Know About Lady Zaynab (A)". So what are those 5 things? Well, to find out, you're just going to have to watch to find out. Sister Fatima talks about the "5 Things You Didn't Know About Lady Zaynab (A)". Our blessings and congratulations to the believers upon the birth anniversary of her eminence, lady Zaynab (A). Duration: 03:50 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "Whoever takes the side of the oppressed over the oppressor will be with me as my companion in Paradise." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 What's MY ROLE in Palestine? | Sister Spade We've all seen the overwhelming brutality and cruelty being committed by the Zionist regime against the innocent Palestine people. So, what can you do in order to help Palestine? Well, Sister Spade explains what we can all do to help Palestine. And remember, there's lots that we can do, and we are only responsible for fulfilling our duty. Duration: 04:19 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "The most piercing arrow is the plea of the oppressed." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Are The Palestinians Victorious Or Defeated? | IP Talk Show Watch Now: https://www.aparat.com/v/yeEXU Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show. We have seen the absolute savagery of the Zionist israeli regime as it continues to incessantly kill innocent Palestinian men, women, and children. So, with this in mind, we decided to answer, "Are The Palestinians Victorious Or Defeated"? In what various aspects have the Palestinians been victorious? How have the Zionists been defeated when it comes to the military aspect? And despite the vast resources of the Zionists in the mass media, how did they lose the media war? What is the difference between the 1967's War where Arabs were defeat and the October 7th Palestinian victory? How has the fake slogan of human rights on behalf of the Arrogant Powers been exposed in Palestine, post Oct. 7th 2023? To answer these questions and more, we invited Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi to help us answer, "Are The Palestinians Victorious Or Defeated"? And just to make things clear, Zionist israel was always a loser and it will always be a loser! Duration: 33:51 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "Be on your guard against the plea [to Allah] of the one who has been wronged, for verily they ask Allah for their right, and verily Allah never denies a right to one whom it is due." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Narendra Modi's Baby israel | Reaction Time We've all heard the saying, birds of a feather, flock together, but what in the world is the connection between israel and India? And what are we talking about when we say Indian Prime Minister's, "Narendra Modi's Baby israel"? Well, in this episode of Reaction Time, Shaykh Ali Qomi and Sayyid Shahryar react to a tweet from the Indian Prime Minister and talk about "Narendra Modi's Baby israel". Mama and baby are so much alike. Get ready, because it's Reaction Time! Duration: 10:49 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
📸 "Blessed you are, the envied and abused, and every evil and false word is told about you, then be glad and happy, for verily, your wage is plentiful in Heaven." islamicpulse.tv | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp
🎦 Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World | IP Talk Show Watch Now: https://www.aparat.com/v/H5Jco Welcome to the Islamic Pulse Talk Show. In ode to the beloved daughter of the Messenger of Allah (S), her eminence, lady Fatima Zahra (A), we decided to speak about "Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World". So, what is the connection between lady Fatima Zahra (A) and the Unseen world? What are some beautiful spiritual aspects of lady Fatima Zahra (A)? And what role does the mother of her eminence, the Mother of the Believers, lady Khadija (A) play in our discussion? And what role does the unseen world play in the religion of Islam? And finally, what is the reality of this material realm and that of the Hereafter? To answer these questions and more, we decided to invite Sayyid Muhammad Hashemi and speak a little bit about "Lady Fatima Zahra (A) & The Unseen World". Our condolences to the believers, wherever you are, upon the martyrdom anniversary of lady Fatima Zahra (A). Duration: 32:09 islamicpulse.tv | shiatv | aparat | facebook | eitaa | telegram | twitter | instagram | whatsapp