📚 Zakat on Grapes
💠 Question: Should a person, who has a grape grove and does not want to turn the grapes into raisins (for example he sells it, consumes it as fruit, or turns it into juice), pay its zakat? Does the same rule apply currant?
✅ Answer: If there are enough grapes so that he can have 847.207 kg of raisins/currant by converting grapes into raisins/currant, then he must pay zakat on the grapes. The same rule applies whether the product will be raisin or currant.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Network Marketing
💠 Question: What is the ruling on network marketing transactions?
✅ Answer: If the transactions in question are halal (for example, are not related to pork or win), it is no problem provided that the following conditions are met:
a) no entrance fee is charged; yet, for example, there is no problem in charging for education;
b) the earnings of the participants should be specified exactly;
c) payment of any remuneration and bonus to the participants must be based on the reasonable and legitimate activity that he will perform.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 A Device Left by the Guest
💠 Question: Our guest left a device in our house and although he was supposed to come back and pick it up, but a long time passed and he did not come. Moreover, there is no access to him anymore, what is our duty now?
✅ Answer: If you are desperate to reach its owner, you can give the device or its price to the poor on behalf of the owner.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 The Method of Calculating Khums on Consumer Goods
💠 Question: How is khums calculated on consumer goods left at home at the beginning of the Khums year, such as rice, oil, tea, sugar, detergents, etc.?
✅ Answer: If it is one of the goods that can be procured as much as you need, i.e. unpacked (such as beans, meat), the remaining amount is subject to khums. However, if it is procured in a pack and the required quantity is purchased, what remains from a pack is not subject to khums.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Assigning Work Orders to Others
💠 Question: I am a computer programmer and various orders are offered to me. Can I pass them on to someone else and take a part of the price for myself as the person who introduced the work?
✅ Answer: If it is stipulated or it is understood from the context that you have to do the work yourself, it is not permissible to entrust it to someone else. Otherwise, you can only entrust it to someone else for a greater or equal price. Yet, if you do some of the work, then you can entrust it to someone else for a lower price.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Investment Contract with Fixed Interest
💠 Question: A person wants to take money from others to invest in his work in advertising and service industry (i.e. a non-commercial activity) and give them profit. Which shar’i transaction serves this purpose?
✅ Answer: He can conclude a contract to be their attorney in such a way that the owners of the capital give him power of attorney to carry out the economic activity with their money, to give them a certain amount (according to the agreement) of the obtained profits monthly or at the end of the contract and to take the rest for himself as a fee for doing the job.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Buying on Credit without Specifying the Time for Payment
💠 Question: In an on-credit transaction, if the buyer says that I will pay when I get the money, is such a transaction correct?
✅ Answer: For an on-credit transaction to be valid, it is necessary to specify the time for payment. Therefore, the said transaction is not valid. However, if the seller consents to the customer's possession of the sold goods despite the fact that the transaction is invalid, there is no problem with the customer's using it.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Hijab in Mustaḥabb Prayers
💠 Question: Is it necessary for women to observe hijab in mustaḥabb prayers such as night prayers? If it is not observed, is the prayer invalid?
✅ Answer: There is no difference between obligatory and mustaḥabb prayer, and if it is not observed intentionally, the prayer is invalid.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Fasting by a Nine-Year-Old Girl
💠 Question: My daughter has just reached bulūgh and cannot fast. What is her duty?
✅️ Answer: She is obliged to fast and it is not permissible to break it simply because of hardship, physical weakness, or the like unless fasting is harmful to her or it is very difficult to bear it.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 To Fast during a Journey
💠 Question: How can I not be deprived of the grace of fasting while traveling in the holy month of Ramadan?
✅ Answer: In your watan, if you make a nadhr to observe a mustaḥabb fast while traveling, you can fulfill that nadhr during a journey.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Using Sublingual Tablets during Fasting
💠 Question: In which case does the use of sublingual tablets (medicine) not invalidate the fast?
✅ Answer: Unless a part of the sublingual tablet is swallowed, there is no problem with using it and it does not harm the validity of the fast. Of course, if the tablet is melted in, mixed with, saliva, you must spit the saliva out.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en
📚 Doubt about Continuing One’s Fast
💠 Question: During fast, I felt weak and I decided to break the fast but did not eat anything and continued the fast after that. It is notable that it was not harmful to continue the fast. Should I make up for this fast as qaḍā?
🆔 Answer: By caution, you must make up for it as qaḍā.
🆔 @leader_ahkam_en