📸 A Letter To The University Students Of The United States Of America
The brave and courageous student protesters who have stood up in solidarity with Palestine on countless university campuses in the United States of America have gained the attention of the people of the world.
In this image sequence, we bring forth statements from a letter dated May 25, 2024 and released on May 30, 2024, by the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, where his eminence addresses these student protestors.
We stand with Palestine.
We stand will all those who stand with Palestine.
The pages of history are turning.
Make sure you're on the right side.
#Allah #Islam #Muslim #Quran #HolyQuran #Islam #ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #Ayatollah #Letter4U #StudentLetter #HumanRights #StopGenocide #PalestineWillBeFree #Zionism #America #GazaStrip #FreePalestine #SavePalestine #SaveGaza #Gaza #GazaHolocaust #GazaGenocide #GazaMassacre #GazaUnderAttack #FreeGaza #StandWithPalestine #Palestine #Gaza #Resistance #IslamicResistance #IslamicAwareness #UK #USA #LongLiveResistance #JihadTabyiin #StudentProtests #CampusProtests #PalestineSolidarity #AmericaProtests #Protests #Columbia #UCLA #BrownUniversity #UT #Emory #UPenn #UC #FIT #NYU #CampusCrackdown #PalestineProtests
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🎦 Allah's Promise For Palestine | Imam Khamenei
What are the two promises that Allah made to the mother of Prophet Moses (A)?
How are these promises related to the issue of Palestine?
What promises does Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei give to the leader of the Palestinian Resistance Ismail Haniyeh?
Imam Sayyid Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Muslim Ummah, speaks about "Allah's Promise For Palestine".
Duration: 01:45
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📸 "The first point about the honorable Imam Khomeini (R) is that he is one of the great leaders of our history, [and] not just a great leader of our day and age. Leaders are those who have greatness in any field, in any part of the intellectual and practical aspects of human beings. Among the elders and esteemed people, some are superior to others, and so we call them great. There are great leaders in every era, but some are not specific to [just] their time, [rather] they are the great leaders of history."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Imams #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #History #Leaders #Greatness #Intellectual #Esteemed #EsteemedPeople
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🎦 The Greatness of Imam Khomeini (R) | Shaheed Qasem Soleimani
How does Shaheed Soleimani describe Imam Khomeini (R)?
And what impossible task did Imam Khomeini (R) accomplish?
How did Imam Khomeini (R) secure both the nation of Iran and Islam?
Finally, what two important tasks did Imam Khomeini (R) accomplish via Islam?
Shaheed Haj Qasem Soleimani speaks about "The Greatness of Imam Khomeini (R)".
Duration: 06:42
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📸 "Imam Khomeini (R) must be brought openly into the middle of the arena. His positions against arrogance, his positions against reactionism, his positions against Western liberal democracy, his positions against hypocrites and two-face people must be made clear."
#ImamKhamenei #Khamenei #Allah #Islam #Muslim #Imams #ImamKhomeini #Khomeini #Positions #Leaders #Arrogance #Reactionism #WesternLiberalDemocracy #Democracy #LiberalDemocracy #Hypocrites #IslamicRepublic #IslamicRevolution #IslamicIran #Iran #ArrogantPowers #West
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🎦 Today, We Fear Our "Friends" | Imam Khomeini (R)
Are the Muslims in danger in the present-day or is Islam in danger?
And which danger is worse, the danger to the Muslims or the danger to Islam?
Finally, in the present-day, are we more afraid of and concerned for our "friends" or the known "enemies".
The founding father of the Islamic Republic, Imam Ruhollah Khomeini (R), speaks about how "Today, We Fear Our Friends".
Duration: 01:59
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