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💥معارف،قرآن وجهاد تبیین💥
553 دنبال‌کننده
16هزار عکس
13.3هزار ویدیو
321 فایل
🖋نشر معارف و ارزشهای دینی, فرهنگی, قرانی در سطوح ملی و بین المللی و به اشتراک گذاری مطالب علمی, دینی, قرانی و فرهنگی
مشاهده در ایتا
En el nombre de Dios, creador del ser y la vida El régimen usurpador de Israel: 1. Está condenado desde el punto de vista de las normas islámicas y enfrentarse a él es completamente legítimo, debido a los versículos del Corán: "En verdad, los opresores tendrán un castigo doloroso", Sura Ibrahim/22; "Y en verdad, los opresores están en un gran desacuerdo", Sura Al-Hajj/53; "Y para aquellos que se defienden después de haber sido oprimidos, no hay camino en su contra", Sura Ash-Shura/41; 2. Está condenado desde el punto de vista de las religiones reveladas, razón: el libro sagrado judeocristiano en el Éxodo capítulo 20 y en el Deuteronomio capítulo 5 presenta el importante conjunto de los "Diez Mandamientos". Uno de estos mandamientos fundamentales es: "No matarás". 3. Está condenado desde el punto de vista de las normas humanas y sociales, porque la conciencia de ningún ser humano permite la masacre de mujeres y niños indefensos; 4. Está condenado desde el punto de vista de los principios y artículos de los derechos humanos, la privación del derecho a la vida, que es el derecho más obvio del ser humano y la base de todos los derechos humanos, debido a los artículos 3 y 5 de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos; 5. Está condenado desde el punto de vista de la naturaleza divina y las inclinaciones naturales e instintivas, los crímenes en Gaza y Líbano, debido a esta repetida declaración de los niños y lactantes de Gaza y Líbano: Oh asesinos despiadados, no maten a mis padres inocentes. Quiero crecer bajo la protección de mi padre y el amor de mi madre; si matan a mi padre, al menos no maten a mi madre, porque quiero crecer alimentado por la leche de mi madre junto con su amor reconfortante. Si matan a mis padres, ¿por qué me matan a mí? Acabo de nacer y, según todas las normas humanas a lo largo de la historia, tengo derecho a la vida y no tengo ninguna culpa. 6. Incluso este régimen está condenado desde el punto de vista de cualquier animal salvaje y lobo sanguinario, porque: si un lobo mata a otros, lo hace según su capacidad y la agudeza de sus dientes, no según las bombas donadas por los gobernantes incompetentes y mentirosos de Estados Unidos, Reino Unido, Francia, etc.; 7. Oh personas valientes y libres de la región y del mundo, levántense y despierten, únanse a los demás seres humanos conscientes del mundo y pongan a este régimen ocupante y bestial en su lugar, y si tardan en actuar, Israel criminal incendiará y bañará en sangre toda la región y el mundo. Enviar este mensaje humano a todas las personas del mundo es su responsabilidad.
ترجمه چینی (ساده شده):👇
以创造生命和存在的上帝之名 以色列侵略政权: 1. 从伊斯兰教规的角度来看,它是被谴责的,与之对抗是完全合法的,因为《古兰经》中的经文: “确实,不义者将遭受痛苦的惩罚”,《易卜拉欣》章/22; “确实,不义者在远离的分裂中”,《朝觐》章/53; “那些在被压迫后自卫的人,不会受到指责”,《协商》章/41; 2. 从启示宗教的角度来看,它是被谴责的,理由是:犹太基督教的《圣经》在《出埃及记》20章和《申命记》5章中提到的重要“十诫”之一是:“不可杀人”。 3. 从人类和人道的角度来看,它是被谴责的,因为没有人的良知会允许大规模屠杀无辜的妇女和儿童; 4. 从人权原则和条款的角度来看,剥夺生命权是被谴责的,因为生命权是人类最基本的权利,是所有人权的基础,根据《世界人权宣言》第3和第5条; 5. 从神圣本性和自然本能的角度来看,加沙和黎巴嫩的罪行是被谴责的,因为加沙和黎巴嫩的儿童和婴儿反复呼喊:嗜血的杀手,不要杀死我无辜的父母。我想在父亲的保护和母亲的爱中成长;如果你杀了我父亲,至少不要杀我母亲,因为我想在她温柔的爱中成长。如果你杀了我父母,为什么要杀我。我刚刚来到这个世界,根据历史上所有的人类规则,我有生存的权利,我没有任何罪过, 6. 即使从任何凶猛的动物和吸血狼的角度来看,这个政权也是被谴责的,因为:如果狼杀死其他生物,它是根据自己的能力和牙齿的锋利程度来做的,而不是根据美国、英国、法国等无能和虚伪的政客赠送的炸弹的数量; 7. 勇敢和自由的人们,站起来,醒来,与世界上其他有意识的人们一起,把这个侵略和兽性的政权放回它的位置,如果你们行动迟缓,以色列罪犯将把整个地区和世界拖入火海和血海。 将这篇人道主义的文字传递给地球上的每一个人是你们的责任。
An Important Message In the name of God, the Creator of existence and life The usurping regime of Israel is condemned [due to the following reasons]: 1. According to Islamic principles, this regime is condemned, and opposing it is entirely legitimate, as evidenced by the verses of the Quran: *"Indeed, for the wrongdoers there is a painful punishment."* — Surah Ibrahim, 14:22 *"And indeed, the wrongdoers are in clear opposition."* — Surah Al-Hajj, 22:53 *"And whoever defends himself after having been wronged— for such there is no blame against them."* — Surah Ash-Shura, 42:41 2. This regime is condemned from the perspective of revealed religions: The reason is that in the Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, and the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, there is a significant set of commandments known as the "Ten Commandments." One of these fundamental commandments states, "Thou shalt not kill." 3. This regime is condemned from the perspective of human and moral principles: This is because the conscience of no human being would permit the mass killing of defenseless women and children. 4. From the perspective of human rights principles and provisions, the deprivation of the right to life, the most fundamental human right and the foundation of all others, this regime is condemned, as upheld by Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 5. From the standpoint of divine nature and innate human instincts, the atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon are condemned. This is echoed in the words often attributed to the children and infants of Gaza and Lebanon: “O bloodthirsty murderers, do not kill my innocent father and mother. I want to grow up in the shelter of my father’s protection and my mother’s love. If you kill my father, then at least spare my mother, for I wish to grow under her nurturing and gentle love. If you kill both my father and mother, why do you take my life too? I have only just entered this world, and according to every human code throughout history, I have the right to live, and I am without any fault.” 6. This regime is condemned even by every predatory beast and bloodthirsty wolf, for if a wolf kills, it does so only to the extent of its own capability and the sharpness of its teeth, not with the bombs gifted by the incompetent and deceitful statesmen of the USA, UK, France, and others. 7. O noble and free-hearted people of the region and the world, rise up and awaken! Join forces with the other aware individuals of the world to confront this occupying and beastly regime. If you do not act swiftly, the criminal Israel will engulf the entire region and the world in fire and blood. "The task of delivering this human message to all the people on Earth is entrusted to you."
An Important Message In the name of God, the Creator of existence and life The usurping regime of Israel is condemned [due to the following reasons]: 1. According to Islamic principles, this regime is condemned, and opposing it is entirely legitimate, as evidenced by the verses of the Quran: *"Indeed, for the wrongdoers there is a painful punishment."* — Surah Ibrahim, 14:22 *"And indeed, the wrongdoers are in clear opposition."* — Surah Al-Hajj, 22:53 *"And whoever defends himself after having been wronged— for such there is no blame against them."* — Surah Ash-Shura, 42:41 2. This regime is condemned from the perspective of revealed religions: The reason is that in the Judeo-Christian Bible, specifically in the Book of Exodus, Chapter 20, and the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 5, there is a significant set of commandments known as the "Ten Commandments." One of these fundamental commandments states, "Thou shalt not kill." 3. This regime is condemned from the perspective of human and moral principles: This is because the conscience of no human being would permit the mass killing of defenseless women and children. 4. From the perspective of human rights principles and provisions, the deprivation of the right to life, the most fundamental human right and the foundation of all others, this regime is condemned, as upheld by Articles 3 and 5 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 5. From the standpoint of divine nature and innate human instincts, the atrocities in Gaza and Lebanon are condemned. This is echoed in the words often attributed to the children and infants of Gaza and Lebanon: “O bloodthirsty murderers, do not kill my innocent father and mother. I want to grow up in the shelter of my father’s protection and my mother’s love. If you kill my father, then at least spare my mother, for I wish to grow under her nurturing and gentle love. If you kill both my father and mother, why do you take my life too? I have only just entered this world, and according to every human code throughout history, I have the right to live, and I am without any fault.” 6. This regime is condemned even by every predatory beast and bloodthirsty wolf, for if a wolf kills, it does so only to the extent of its own capability and the sharpness of its teeth, not with the bombs gifted by the incompetent and deceitful statesmen of the USA, UK, France, and others. 7. O noble and free-hearted people of the region and the world, rise up and awaken! Join forces with the other aware individuals of the world to confront this occupying and beastly regime. If you do not act swiftly, the criminal Israel will engulf the entire region and the world in fire and blood. "The task of delivering this human message to all the people on Earth is entrusted to you."
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نمایش در ایتا
🌸بسمِ رَبِّ الشُهَدا و الصِدّیقین🌸 ❣تلاوت دسته جمعی قرآن کریم هدیه به روح پاک و مطهر همه شهدا برای تعجیل در فرج آقا صاحب الزمان عجل الله تعالی فرجه الشریف انشاءالله صفحه13 روزتون ورزق امروزتون شهدایی 🌸