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The great expectation
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My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 علیه السلام در قنوت نماز می‌فرمودند: After Fatima departed from this life whenever imam Ali raised his hands toward his face to pray he cursed on Fatima's murders in this way : خدایا به خاطر جنینی که سقط کردند و May God curse them for the sake of Mohsen's abortion , پهلویی که شکستند و For the sake of Fatima's side that was broken by Ghonfoz سندی که پاره کردند آنان را لعنت کن. For the sake of the Fadak garden that forty men tore in a place named Saghifeh آن فرقه که زهرای جوان را کشتند That forty men who attacked Fatima ای وای که با کشتن محسن پسرش Alas the result their brutal treatment was that یک سوم سادات جهان را کشــــتند A third of Fatima's dynasty from Mohsen never was born in the world Anecdotes 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 (ع) فرمودند: Imam Reza stated : نخستین کسی که پس از مرگش برای او تابوت ساخته شد،  The first one for whom a coffin was made after her decease فاطمه (س) دختر رسول خدا (ص) بود؛ Was Fatima , the daughter of God's last prophet درود و صلوات خدا بر او و پدر و شوهر و فرزندانش باد. May God send blessing upon Fatima , her father , her husband , and her dynasty The anecdotes 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 نرنج از اینکه فلانی بد از تو می‌گوید Do not resent that some body is backbiting you قفس نشین همه را راه راه میبیند Some one who has been captured sees all the world striped # غیبت 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 دوری توگرگیست که Your absence is a wolf which افتاده به گله ی احساس من Has attacked and hit my feeling's flock مصباح 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 پشه با شب زنده‌داری خون مردم می‌خورد A mosquito like an owl wide awake bits people skin and drink their blood during the night زینهار از زاهد شب زنده‌دار اندیشه کن So be careful about a god fearing who acts like an owl 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 آدم ندیده عاشق دلبر نمی‌شود A lover never buys a pig in a poke کشتی بدون آب شناور نمی‌شود A ship needs the sea to float دلبر زیاد بوده اما در این میان There are a lot of beloved but هر دلبری که حضرت مادر نمی‌شود Every beloved is not equal with Fatima our spiritual mother 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 Only imam Ali the emir of believers شڪاف، آیا دلیلش چیست وقتی خانه در‌ دارد؟! What is the meaning and purpose of a crack in the midst of kaaba while it has a door ڪسی باید ڪه از این راز کعبه پرده بردارد Some body must discloses this secret به‌ دنبال چه می گردند گرد ڪعبه حاجی ها Why do the hajjis circle around the kaaba به غیر از آن شڪاف حیدری چیزی مگر دارد؟! Kaaba does not have any thing except that crack , does it ? 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 خدایا مرا یک چشم بهم زدن به خودم وا مگذار Oh God Do not leave me alone as much as a blink of an eye هر |صبح| پیامبر(ص) این دعا را میخواندند... This is the pray that God's last messenger recited every dawn 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 به من نگو گلم Do not say i am your flower من از سرنوشت I fear of the dried petals ' destination گلبرگ های لای دفترت می ترسم.. Which have been inserted among your note book 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 طالب جنّت شدم، نه محض ناز و نعمتش I insist to enter the paradise not for the sake of milk and honey rivers آرزو دارم ببینم آب می نوشد حسین I wish i watched how imam Hussein drink and this pleasant milk and honey finally touched his parched lips 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 اگر گیری وضو با آب زم زم If you performed the ablution with the water of zam zam well اگر سجاده گردد عرش اعظم If the great empyrean was your prayer rug مبادا بر نماز خود بنازی Your prayer would be accepted in the case that علی را گر نداری بی نمازی You confessed imam Ali is the first one whose right was supplanted 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 Salute Ali Asghar the one who accepts a wish comes true Ali Asghar is a save ark والله كه كشتی نجات همه است I swear on God that The whole world's saving ark گهواره‌ی كوچك علی اصغر تو Is Ali Asghar's small cradle 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾