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The great expectation
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My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 مردک پست که عمری نمک حیدر خورد Moghayreh that ingrate accursed one toward imam Ali نعره زد بر سر مادر،به غرورم برخورد Shouted at Fatima and the pride of imam Hasan was wounded ایستادم به نوک پنجه پا اما حیف Alas imam Hasan stood up his toes but دستش از روی سرم رد شد وبرمادر خورد imam Hasan as a seven years old boy of low stature could not prevent the slap in the face of Fatima Salute the venerable shrine less lady Fatima 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 🏴 ای یاسِ داس خورده، بمیرم برای تو Oh the wounded lilac May i die game "تبت یدا ابی لهب" ای وای مادرم May God mows down Abu Lahab, the hell firewood carrier , and every heavy handed like Moghayreh Oh my anonymous tomb mother Fatima 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 قطره‌ی اشک علی تا به ته چاه رسید When imam Ali's tear drop fell down the well bottom چاه فهمید که کسی همچو علی تنها نیست ... Even the well understood that nobody is as lonely as imam Ali Peace be upon the venerable shrine less lady Fatima and his dynasty 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 می‌روی زهرای من امّا بدان Fatima you depart from this life but be aware a fact that بعد تو فاتح خیبر After your decease imam Ali , the one who removed the Kheibar castle in some movement , ز در وا کردن عاجز می‌شود Is powerless to open an usual door # یا فاطمه الزهرا Salute the shrine less venerable lady Fatima 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 May God condole imam Ali family while watching the walls and door of their home that had some signs from Fatima فاطمیه‌ During Fatima's depart from this life از ڪدامین ‌داغ‌ باید‌ جان‌ سپرد From which grief a man must expire درد حیدر Imam Ali suffering ‌ داغ‌ مادر The grief of losing a mother یا غریبی‌ حسن... Or the loneliness of Imam Hasan who witnessed how imam Ali's opponent mauled his mother Fatima 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 Salute the venerable lady Fatima هرگاه به هر Every morning امامی سلام دهید You salute any one imam خــــــود آن امام جواب ســـــــلام تان را میدهـــــد... He himself answers ولی اگر کسی بگوید: “السلام علیک یا فاطمه الزهرا” But when somebody says: salute the venerable and anonymous tomb lady Fatima همه‌ی امامان جواب میدهند … All twelve imams answer him/ her می‌گویند: چه شده است که این And ask himself فرد نام مادرمان را برده است !؟ What is the reason this human being mentioned our mother's name 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 آوینے‌چھ‌زیباگفٺ‌: Morteza Avini , the war reporter has written so : فحش‌اگربدهندآزادےبیان‌اسٺ، If you curse , the folks think it as the freedom of expression جواب‌اگربدهےبےفرهنگےاسٺ! If you answer, the folks think about you as an uneducated man سوالےاگربڪنندآزاداندیشند، If they ask you a question they are liberal سوال‌اگربڪنےٺفٺیش عقاید! If you ask a question it is called Inquisition ٺهمٺ‌اگربزننددرجسٺجوےحقیقٺند، If the folk malign you they are in the search of the truth جواب‌اگر‌بدهےدروغگویے! If you answer them the folks suppose you as a liar مسخرھ‌اٺ‌بڪنندانٺقاداسٺ، If the folks mock you it is called as a criticism جواب‌اگربدهےبےجنبھ‌اے! If you answer them they suppose you as an incapable man اگرٺهدیدٺ‌ڪننددفاع‌ڪردھ‌اند، If the folks make treats against you they defend themselves اگرازعقایدٺ‌دفاع‌ڪنےخشونٺ‌طلبے! If you defend yourself you are called as a brutal and rough seeker آرے ، حزب‌اللهےبودن‌را‌با‌همھ‌ ٺراژدےهایش‌دوسٺ‌دارم. I respect to being the divine party in opposition with its all tragedies 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 هر بار چیزی گم میکنم ‌مادرم می گوید: When i lose something my mother advises me ‌چند صلوات بفرست To send blessing upon Allah , Muhammad and his dynasty several times : peace be upon Muhammad and his dynasty and may God speed up the arrival of lord of the time ان شاءالله پیدا میشود… The lost thing can be find the God willing مولای غریبم تو را گم کرده ام... My obscure lord i have lost you ‌چندصلوات بفرستم How many times i must send blessing upon the last prophet dynasty تا پیدایت کنم؟؟؟ To find you Salute lord of the time 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 جمعه غروب The sunset of a Friday بستری خونی A mother's bloody bed هِق‌هِق حسن Imam Hasan's sobbing موی پریشان زینب Zeinab, Hashemides circumspect, with tangled hair لب‌های تشنه حسین Imam Hussein's parched lips قدی خمیده سر در چاه Imam Ali while bending over a well to say his suffering inside it بگویم هنوزم May i continue yet هوای خانه‌ی حیدر را ...؟؟ The atmosphere of imam Ali's home این است حال و روز خانه‌ای که مادر ندارد !! This is the unexpected situation of a motherless home # عالمی چشم انتظار توست All the world waits lord of the time's arrival 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 أَمَنْ یُجیِبُ المُضْطَرَ إِذَا دَعَاهُ وَ یَکْشِفُ السُوء Who is the one that answers the helpless and saves his or her from the tragic happenings دعــــایمان؛ Our prayers تنها با آمین تو از نردبانِ اجابت، بالا می رود! Can rise the answer ladder only when Fatima , our spiritual mother, states amen مـــادر! Oh the venerable lady می دانی که ما چند ..... در انتظار ! Do you know how many years after your depart from this life we waited for the arrival of lord of the time و او چند فاطمیه.... در اضطرار است ! And he was in the great urgency Salute Fatima pray may God speed up the arrival of lord of the time 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 دو² بخش استــ «ما» و «در»... The world mother "مادر " has two syllables in Persian language "ما" and "در " ‌وقصھ یتیمـــے... «ما» And the story that how the Shiite lost their spiritual mother از ڪنار «در» شروع شــد... Began beside her home door May guilty conscience tortures the ones like Moghayreh who had share in Fatima our spiritual mother's broken side 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 پیامبر اکرم ص : God 's last messenger stated that اگر قرار بود به صورت مردی جلوه کند، همانا (ع) میشد Supposing that God wanted to create the patience in a human shape He would create it the same as imam Ali اگر قرار بود به صورت شخصی تجلی نماید، همانا (ع) میشد Supposing that God wanted to create generosity in the human shape He would create the same as imam Hasan اگر قرار بود را صورتی باشد، (ع) بود Supposing that God wanted to create the modesty in human shape He would creat imam Hussein اگر قرار بود و نیکویی،شکلی داشته باشد، همانا (س) بود And supposing that God wanted to created the nicety in the human shape He would creat Fatima # سلام بهترین اهل زمین Salute the world best denizens 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾