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The great expectation
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My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 مادر که رفت خانه از هم پاشید Fatima departed from this life and her family scattered in different cities علی نجف نشین شد Imam Ali while saying his morning prayer was martyrized in kufah mosque and was buried in Najaf city حسن بقیع نشین Imam Hasan was buried in Medina's Bagh' while carrying his body the opponents shot a thousand arrows toward his coffin و حسین کربلا The story of imam Hussein and Karbala is a long story و زینب دمشق.... And Zeinab 's captivity in Damascus gives you the horrors امان از آخری Aside from these relatives مهدی را نمیدانم کجا بیابم What beats me is where i should search for lord of the time اللهم عجل لولیک الفرج May God speed up the arrival of lord of the time 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 بهشت سوخت؛ A thousand years ago imam Ali's opponents made up a great fire in front of his home which actually was the heaven gate گل افتاد..؛ A blooming flower named Fatima withered غنچھ پرپر شد And Mohsen her yet unborn child nipped in the bud .. May Fatima accept my condolences 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 The venerable lady Fatima برخیز و باز مادری ات را شروع کن Get up your sickbed and be the mother of your children again فضه حریف گریه ی طفلان نمی شود... Fezzeh , your servant can not cop with the scream of your children in losing you that has filled the home 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 بیهوده گفته‌اند مزار تو مخفی است The folks must reconsider this subject that Fatima 's tomb is anonymous در سینه‌های گریه کنانت مزار توست All the Fatima's fonder hearts is the place of her shrine تو اولین شهیدِ دفاع از حرم شدی Fatima is the first martyr in defence of intimate zone آری! همین بزرگترین افتخار توست That is right This is the proudest moment of Fatima's life 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 🌹🌿 هر ڪجا سفره شود پهن، Wherever people set their table ڪــنارش نمڪ استـ ... They put the saltshaker over the tablecloth نمڪ سفره‌ی جمعہ دعاے فـــــــرج استــ ... The salvation pray is the salt of Friday's tablecloth # تعجیل در امر فرج پنج صلوات Send some blessing upon the last prophet May God speed up the arrival of lord of the time 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 باران که شروع میشد، امام علـی (ع) زیرِباران می ایستاد Whenever it was raining imam Ali stood at the open space تاجایـی که سر و ریش ولباسش خیس میشد. ومیفرمود: He kept standing under the sky until the rain wetted his clothes and he stated : این آبـی است که ازنزدیکی های عرش آمده‌است. The rain is a water has fallen from the heaven's nearby # امام صادق 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 یه مردی هزار و چهارصد ساله بغض انتقام سیلی مادر داره It is more than a millennium that lord of the time has a grudge to take revenge Fatima's slaps on Ghonfoz and Moghayreh انتقام فرق شکافته علی .ع The revenge of imam Ali's cleaved head from Moljam Moradi تابوت خونی حسن ع The revenge of imam Hasan 's bloody and full shot coffin و رگ های بریده ی حسین ع یک طرف The revenge of imam Hussein cut throat by Shemr on the one hand انتقام سیلی مادر طرف دیگر The revenge of slaps in Fatima's face on the other hand 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 لبریز ِشوق بود ڪه در گوش محسنش Fatima was waiting with all the gusto of youth to lull to sleep her unborn Mohsen یک روز علے اقامھ بخواند With a song that its first sentence is this : Ali is my gentleman ولے نشـد.. But the death angel did not give this golden opportunity May Fatima accept my condolences 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 براے‌دلتنگ‌هـــا. . . This is a suggestion to the lonely hearts: هروقت دلتون براۍ امام‌زمان«عج» تنگ شد Whenever you miss lord of the time به‌صفحات"قرآن"نگاه کنید... Look at the Quran pages 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 ‏شما رفیقت پیامتو سین کنه یه ساعت بعد جواب بده ناراحت میشی Whenever your pal receives your message but answers an hour later you ruffle بعد صدای اذانو میشنوی سه ساعت بعد نمازتو میخونی Some times you yourself hear the azan sound but you say your prayers three hours later انتظار داری خدا ناراحت نشه؟ Then you expect God does not be upset 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 .. May God save humankind from the repetition of another Hashemides alleyways story آخر‌نفهمیدم‌ڪه Finally i did not know that the seven years old imam Hasan ‌نیمه‌شب‌هادرمیاݩ‌ڪوچه.. For what was he searching ‌دنبال‌چه‌چیزۍمیگشت.. Among the Hashemides alleyways at midnights تمام دارایی یک پسر مادرشه All a boy property is his mother الهی بمیرم برای اون آقایی که تو کوچه‌های مدینه غرورش رو شکستن If only i was a myrmidon not let imam Hasan ' pride be wounded Salute the most expansive innocent imam Hasan 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿 🔜💫🌹🐿🔚 میخ در، قامٺ در، ضرب لگد، پاے عدو Some accident happened before Fatima departed thus life : The door 's nail pierced her chest The cursed opponents pushed his way through the door while Fatima preventing not let them come in مانده ام مـاٺ ڪه دیـوارچـرایارےڪرد But finally imam Ali's opponent kicked and beat Fatima behind the door I wonder in spite of all theses inhuman and brutal facts why did the wall let Fatima's head hit against it Salute Fatima our spiritual mother 🌴♥💚💜💔💓🖤💛💙🌵򠰼󝐼 I am fond of the world Saviour🐾