My Today Epistle☝🏿
فردای قیامت که هیچ چیز از
انسان نمیخرند
The doomsday that selling and buying will be stopped
اشک بر سید الشهدا(ع)
را مثل دانه دُرّی برایش نقد میکنند
The priceless teardrops for the sake of imam Hussein , lord of the martyrs , will be paid in cash
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
نوای ِأنا المهدی میخواهد
Our hearts are all impatiently awaiting a voice to call out " i am Mahdi"
اما چرا ؛
#أنا_الوحید میشنویم..؟!
But instead of this sweet resonance of lord of the time voice the melancholy tone of " i am lonely " has filled the whole world
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
و اکنون...
And now
ذکـرِ "#یا_ابا_صالح_المهدی "
The phrase of " salute lord of the time"
شبیه نَفَـس ،
Like the breath
رزق این روزهای
تنگدستی زمین است...
Is the portion of the earth which is suffering hardship these days
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
قلـــب انسان همانند حوضی است ڪه چهار جویبار همیشه آبشان درآن می ریزند...
The mankind heart is like a pool that four brooks enter it
اگر آب چهار جـویبار پاڪ باشد، قلب انسان را پاڪ و زلال میڪنند
If four brooks water be lucid the heart also will be pure
اما اگر آب یڪی یا دو
تا یا چهارتاے این جویبارها آلوده باشند قلب را هم آلوده میڪنند.
But the pollution of one of these brooks makes the heart polluted
جویباراول چشم است
The first brook is eye
جویبار دوم: گوش است
The second is ear
جویبار سوم: زبان است
The third is tongue
جویبار چهارم: فڪرو ذهن
And the last stream is mind and its thoughts
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
Salute my dearest lord of the time
سلام می دهم از عمق این دلِ تاریك
I salute from the bottom of my dark heart
به آخرین پسر خانواده ی خورشید
To the last son of Muhammad dynasty under the sun
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
هی نشینیم تو روضه
بگیم #امام_زمان من نوڪرتم،
غلامتم ، و...
Avoid repeating sentences like" i am lord of the time servant, thrall or slave " in different commemoration which is held
امام زمانمون
نوڪرنمیخواد ،
Lord of the time does not need a puppet
غلام نمیخواد ،
Or a flunky
امام زمان لنگ #فرماندس !..💔
Lord of the time arrival has been delayed only for the lack of 313 revolutionary leaders
تمرین ڪن برا فرماندهی تو سپاهش ...
Practice to be the most trusted lieutenant in his army
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
اهل شمشیر، شمشیربرداشته اند و دار الامارۀ خویش را در سایۀ آن ساختهاند؛
The quarrelsome fighters have built their own house
در سایۀ بمب و موشك.
Under the missile and bomb umbrella
و اگر من و تو نیز از جنگ بهراسیم، دیگر چگونه كار جهان راست شود؟
If you and i escape from the war scene with horror how we can keep the peace in the whole world
دیگر چگونه حكومت به اهل آن باز گردد؟
And restore it to lord of the time , its real owner ,
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
از زندان هارون
From Haroon' dungeon
تا زندان غیبت،
To the separation black hole
فاصلهای جز جهل و ضعف شیعه نسبت
There is not any distance except the shiit ignorance
به امام زمانشان نیست!!
Of their lord of the time
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
حال مَن شده چون
#نوحي ڪه
I feel like a Noah who himself
خود از ڪِشتي خود
Has been left behind
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
As soon as God clears the hurdles
His creatures turn their back to Him
انگار نه انگار!
Without remembering that
ڪه مارا برای رنجی ڪه دچارش شده بود صدا زد :)
They were saying their prayers that God saves them from their sufferings
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
نپندار که تنها عاشوراییان را بدان بلا آزموده اند و لا غیر،
Do suppose that God only put to the test the parched ones of Karbala on the Ashura day
صحرای بلا به وسعت همه تاریخ است.
The calamity desert is as large as the whole history and God' assays will be continued
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾
My Today Epistle☝🏿
وَمَن يَتَّقِ اللَّهَ يَجْعَل لَّهُ مَخْرَجًا...
If you trust God He will show you the exit way
با #تو
Along with God
هیـچ کوچهای بُنبَست نیست..!♥
There is not a blind alley
I am fond of the world Saviour🐾