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Bismillah Inshallah Risalat Institute will be holding the following four session class with Sr. Fatemah Meghji in person starting on Tuesday Jan 25th. There are limited spots and the class is in English. Students will be chosen based on space and their answers to the application form. *There will be no recordings* Please apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScgDTrxfpMYLKuF8Jn6DHaCiR2bxd91zL9x3VUX3HJ9AkOQzg/viewform?usp=sf_link *Description:* _Over the span of 4 weeks, we will explore some of the most controversial topics and discussions about women in Islam while navigating the challenge of feminism. This class is an academic approach to these questions to help regular Muslim women (or those doing tabligh) when grappling with and addressing these questions. Topics that will be explored include: Gender Identity, Women in the Qur’an and Ahadith, and navigating Islamic marital laws (including abuse and divorce from a practical perspective)_