Dr. Mohie: The great Japanese sage was sitting on the sand and meditating... a man approached him and said: Accept me as a disciple... The sage drew a line on the sand with his right finger and said: Cut it short...! The man erased half of the line with his palm... Hakim said: Go, come a year later... A year later, Hakim drew a line again and said: Cut it short! This time, the man covered half the line with his palm and elbow. Hakim did not accept and said: Go, come a year later... The next year, Hakim drew a line on the sand and asked the man to shorten it. This time the man said: I don't know and asked Hakim to tell the answer... Hakim drew a long line next to it and said that it is now shortened... ❗️ This story shows one of the secrets of Japanese culture on the way to progress. to give There is no need for enmity and conflict with others... As you grow and develop, others will fail by themselves. Don't do anything to others; Do your job properly... ✅ We don't rise by cutting others short, and on the contrary, the reflection of our behavior makes us short... @drmahdikhanlooDrmahdikhanloo.comsplus.ir/drmahdikhanloo https://ble.ir/drmahdikhanlo https://iGap.net/drmahdikhanloo http://eitaa.com/drmahdikhanloo https://t.me/Drmahdikhanloo https://www.instagram.com/drmahdikhanloo Drmahdikhanloo.com Virtual pages of Dr. Mohei (Hossein Mahdi Khanloo) in domestic and foreign software...