🔷ادامه ی کاربرد look با صفات مختلف 🔷 ✅You look anxious!! ✅You look depressed! ✅You look annoyed! ✅You look hungry! ✅You look unhappy! ✅You look troubled! 🔸What happened? 🔸Or What's wrong? 🔸Or What's the problem with you? ✅Michael looks worried! 🔸What's wrong with Michael? ✅He looks happy! 🔸What happened? ✅She looks sad! 🔸What's the matter with her? 🔸Or What is it?They look angry! 🔸What's wrong with them? Anxious= مضطرب Happy=خوشحال Sad=غمگین Unhappy=ناراحت Depressed=افسرده Worried=نگران Troubled=مشکل دار Annoyed=دلخور Hungry=گرسنه angry =عصبانی 🔰http://eitaa.com/Easy_learnEnglish