#story #level2 #chapter2 #part1
💛 The Golden Seal 💛
chapter 2
part 1
✨ What is it? Eric thought. Maybe it's a bear! He started to move to the door.
He wanted to get out. But then he remembered the storm.
Eric went across the river and
up the sand dunes. Then he
looked down at the ocean.
The water was very green
today, and the sky was very
dark. But he didn't see that. He
only wanted to see one thing-a
golden seal.✨
🐼 bear
🐼 get out
🐼 across
🐼 river
🐼 only
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eitaa.com/English_House 🏡
eitaa.com/Essential_English_Words 🏡
eitaa.com/zabantourki 🏡