قصة حياة حضرة محمد رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قالوا آذان الظهر للصلاة ، كان الناس يجلسون في طابور المصلين وأعينهم تنتظر على باب المسجد. لم يكن هناك ما يدل على أن نبي الله قد جاء متأخرا ، كانت هذه الأخلاق المعتادة تقلق الجميع. كان الوقت قد فات. غير قادرة على تحملها ، وانطلقوا. شوهد وهو يصلي وحده. كان رجل غاضب يقف بجانبه ينظر إليهما. كان معروفا ، لم يكن مسلما. انتهت صلاة النبي ورأى اصحابه. لم يعد بمفرده ، كان لديه مساعد ويمكنه التخلص من "الرجل اليهودي" بإيماءة واحدة. النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام ، فأصر. بدأ الصحابة بالتهديد ، فنظر إليهم النبي فقال: ماذا لديك معه؟ ربي لم يرسلني للظلم. كان الصحابة صامتين ، ولكن كان هناك اضطراب في قلب اليهودي. مضى وقت طويل وصلى الرسول صلاة العشاء والمغرب والعشاء. كان الصباح وكان النبي لا يزال في عهدة الدائن ، وكان الصحابة مندهشين من سلوكه. كان من الواضح أن اليهودي لم يعد يحتمل الأمر ، فقد شعر بالخجل ، ورأى النبي خاتم ، الذي بكل قوته ، مثل شخص عادي ، أعطى نفسه لدائنه. آداب الرسول تكلم بالعبرية: قرأت وصفك في التوراة ، جئت لأرى مدى صحته ؛ ثم شهد وأسلم وأسلم قسطا من ماله في سبيل الله. يدعو الناس إلى الإسلام بحكم الأخلاق مأخوذة من الرواية بحر الأضواء ، المجلد 16 ، الصفحة 219 A story of life Hazrat Muhammad, the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace They had said the noon call to prayer, People were sitting in the line of the congregation and their eyes were waiting on the door of the mosque. There was no record of the Prophet of God coming late, This regular morality of his had worried everyone. It was too late. Unable to bear it, they set off. He was seen praying alone. An angry man was standing next to him, looking at them. He was known, he was not a Muslim. The prayer of the Prophet ended And saw his companions; He was no longer alone, He had a helper and could get rid of the "Jewish man" with a single gesture. The Prophet owed the Jew, and he insisted. The companions began to threaten, But the Prophet looked at them and said: What do you have with him? My Lord did not send me to oppress. The companions were silent, but there was a commotion in the heart of the Jew. A long time passed and the Prophet offered the evening, Maghrib and Isha prayers. It was morning The Prophet was still in the custody of the creditor, and the companions were astonished at his behavior. It was clear that the Jew could not stand it anymore, he was ashamed, he saw the Prophet Khatam, who with all his might, like an ordinary person, gave himself to his creditor. Ethics of the Prophet, He spoke in Hebrew: I read your description in the Torah, I came to see how true it is; Then he uttered the testimony and became a Muslim and gave part of his wealth in the way of God. With moral virtues, he called people to Islam Taken from the narration Sea of ​​Lights, Volume 16, Page 219