💥مقاله تخصصی درباره چیپست زیر پوستی سربازان اسرائیلی!! آخرین افشاگری در 21 اکتبر 2023 این است که "اسرائیل" تراشه های GPRS (سرویس رادیویی بسته های عمومی) را در زیر پوست سربازان خود کار گذاشته است که به آنها اجازه می دهد پس از دستگیری توسط حماس ردیابی شوند. پروفسور ایمن ریگیب، استاد علوم سیاسی در دانشگاه اورشلیم، تأیید کرد که «حماس این تراشه‌ها را در زیر پوست سربازان کشف کرده و در غزه در میان 230 زندانی به‌کار می‌گیرد و آن‌ها را زیرکانه در برابر اشغالگری اسرائیل استفاده می‌کند». مقاومت این تراشه های الکترونیکی را که در زیر پوست دستان سربازان اسرائیلی کاشته شده بود، پس از برداشتن آنها جمع آوری کردند. آنها همه این تراشه ها را در یک مکان به عنوان کمین «اسرائیل» قرار دادند. با این حال، شگفتی این بود که ارتش اسرائیل به طور کامل محل را منفجر کرد، گویی قصد داشتند سربازان اسیر خود را بکشند. این تراشه برای تعیین دقیق محل سرباز به سیستم GPS متکی است و دو نوع وجود دارد: یکی که در زیر پوست کاشته می شود و دیگری که به دست یا گردن متصل می شود. این تراشه‌ها نزدیک سرباز می‌مانند و پیوسته آن‌ها را همراهی می‌کنند و با استفاده از سیستم ضربان قلب کار می‌کنند. آنها هم در بالا و هم در زیر زمین و هم در زیر آب کار می کنند. Al-Estiklal Newspaper SMART CHIPS UNDER THE SKIN: HOW HAMAS OUTWITTED ‘ISRAEL’ AND PREVENTED THEM FROM KILLING CAPTURED SOLDIERS? 2023/11/08 09:11:00 | Reports They placed all of these chips in one location as an ambush for “Israel.” + Font size - In the 2015 British–American spy movie Kingsman: The Secret Service, a wealthy megalomaniac businessman implants tiny electronic chips under the skin and into the phones of humans. These microscopic electronic chips are used to track or eliminate people, as the antagonist believes that “executing” a large portion of the human population will prevent extinction due to climate change. The danger of these electronic chips, distributed freely by the sinister businessman as cards like SIM cards that provide free internet access, becomes evident when they are used for spying on or remotely manipulating people to carry out acts of violence through the embedded devices. The villain attempts to execute his radical idea of combating climate change by eliminating people who carry these chips in their bodies, believing it will help reduce pollution and environmental damage. The concept of implanting electronic chips has been explored in various scientific experiments since the invention of electronic chips in the late 1990s. They have been used to store personal information, monitor the health of patients, or track the movements of criminals. Under Skin Notably, “Israel” has developed GPS chips in collaboration with international companies and implanted them under the skin of its soldiers to facilitate locating them in case of abduction by Palestinian resistance. The latest revelation, as of October 21, 2023, is that “Israel” has implanted GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) chips under the skin of its soldiers, allowing them to be tracked after capture by Hamas. Professor Ayman Rigib, a political science professor at the University of Jerusalem, confirmed that “Hamas discovered these chips under the skin of the soldiers and recruits it captured in Gaza among 230 detainees and used them cleverly against the Israeli Occupation.” The resistance gathered these electronic chips, which were implanted under the skin of Israeli soldiers’ hands, after removing them. They placed all of these chips in one location as an ambush for “Israel.” However, the surprise was that the Israeli army completely detonated the location, as if they intended to kill their captured soldiers. Professor Ayman Rigib explained that the Israeli Occupation wants to get rid of this evidence held by Hamas, which includes the captured soldiers, in order to facilitate their movement in Gaza without the prisoners hindering them. لینک https://www.alestiklal.net/en/view/20608/smart-chips-under-the-skin-how-hamas-outwitted-israel-and-prevented-them-from-killing-captured-soldiers