✅Burning the sacred "speech" in the name of freedom of speech ✍️Mohammad Reza Bagherzadeh Insulting the Qur'an, the last divine book and the complete version of the direct speech of God to man, in western countries that claim freedom, not only has no moral and human justification, but their justification for allowing these insults under the title of defending freedom of speech, is Questioning reason and logic in these countries. Indeed, how can insult and abuse be considered "speech" and allow it, and in the name of freedom of speech, insult a book which, according to the Almighty God, is "speech to the people" and set it on fire?! Isn't it time for modern man to come to his senses and respect the dignity of humanity and respect the dignity of other human beings and the dignity of human values, and stop spreading hatred and moral violence and other antagonism?! Western civilization, if it had any dignity, has lost it by defending these inhuman actions and has taken a long step towards decay. https://eitaa.com/MohamadRezaBagherzadeh