📙نام کتاب: ترجمه انگلیسی کتاب پیشوای معصوم (3) 📁موضوع: پژوهشی کوتاه در زندگی پیشوایان معصوم علیهم السلام - جلد یک (امیرالمومنین علیه السلام و امام حسن و امام حسین علیهماالسلام) ✒️نویسنده: حضرت آیت الله سید علی حسینی میلانی مدظله العالی 📚مترجم: جاوید اکبری 📚توضیحات: The Fourteen Infallibles are the Prophet Muhammad (s), his daughter Fatima Zahra (a), and the Twelve Imams. All are considered to be infallible under the theological concept of Ismah. Accordingly, they have the power to commit sin but by their nature are able to avoid doing so, which is regarded as a miraculous gift from Allah. The Infallibles are believed to follow only God's desire in their actions because of their supreme righteousness, consciousness, and love for Allah They are also regarded as being immune to error in practical matters, in calling people to religion, and in the perception of divine knowledge. This book sheds light on the lives of the first, second and third infallible Imams i.e. the Commander of the Faithful, Imam Ali (a) and his sons, Imam al-Hasan and Imam al-Husayn (a). Authentic traditions dealing with their merits and virtues and found in reliable sources of the two major branches of faith have been discussed in brief. 📚ناشر: مرکز حقایق اسلامی 📖تعداد صفحه: 40 صفحه 💶قیمت: 20.000 تومان ✳️مرکز فروش: قم-ساختمان ناشران-طبقه منفی یک-واحد 39 ☎️ تماس با مدیر انتشارات: 09125534174 🆔 @alhaqaeq_org