📙نام کتاب: ترجمه انگلیسی کتاب موعود آسمانی (9) 📁موضوع: پژوهشی در امامت حضرت مهدی علیه السلام از دیدگاه مسلمانان ✒️نویسنده: آیت الله سید علی حسینی میلانی مدظله 📚توضیحات: In order to attain peace and stabilityand have a peaceful co-existence we always need to hold dialogues and listen to each other's proofs and arguments. We should not be afraid of dialogues for it is through dialogues that we can learn about each other's opinions and are able to possibly iron out our differences. In the past, due to the prevalence of unfavorable circumstances we never had the opportunity to brotherly sit together and address our problems, but in the light of modern changes we are luckily in a position to do so at least indirectly through writing. The present work is an effort that can serve as a platform for dialogue. Using a scholarly language it introduces its audience to the doctrine of mahdaviat, a crucial issue today. After explaining Shias' beliefs about Imam Mahdi (a.s.) from the viewpoints of Muslim thinkers, the book in your hand studies the doubts and skepticisms raised about Imam Mahdi. The book is really a perfect choice for those who are eager to learn about Mahdaviat and the questions that surround it. 📚مترجم: عبدالرئوف افضلی ناشر: مرکز حقایق اسلامی 📖تعداد صفحه: 87 صفحه 💶قیمت: 25.000 تومان مرکز فروش: قم-ساختمان ناشران-طبقه منفی یک-واحد 39 تماس با مدیر انتشارات:09125534174