📙نام کتاب: ترجمه انگلیسی کتاب غدیر به روایت اهل بیت علیهم السلام (10) 📁موضوع: نگاهی کوتاه به حدیث غدیر در منابع شیعی ✒️نویسنده: حضرت آیت الله سید علی حسینی میلانی مدظله العالی 📚مترجم: عبد الرئوف افضلی 📚توضیحات: One of the indisputable principles of dialogue on matters of difference is that each side of the dispute is supposed to make use of the ideas accepted by the other side or base his or her arguments on principles taken for granted by both sides. In order to better convince their opponents, Shiites have made use of this methodology throughout its history. The application of this methodology may, however, cause some simple-minded people to doubt about the scholarly strength of Shiites and put to question their academic potentials. Thus, contrary to other similar works, this work deals with the event ofGhadirfrom a Shiite perspective alone. It studies briefly the Ghadir narration in Shiite works compiled by Shiite Mujtahids in order to let its audience know that Shiites have their own books, narrations and Mujtahids needing thus no works compiled by others. 📚ناشر: مرکز حقایق اسلامی 📖تعداد صفحه: 46 صفحه 💶قیمت: 20.000 تومان ✳️مرکز فروش: قم-ساختمان ناشران-طبقه منفی یک-واحد 39 ☎️ تماس با مدیر انتشارات: 09125534174 🔸کانال اطلاع رسانی و اخبار مرکز حقایق اسلامی 🆔 @alhaqaeq_org