مطالعات راهبردی آمریکا
خانم جیل لپور (Jill Lepore) استاد تاریخ دانشگاه هاروارد است، وی سال‌ها سعی می‌کند تا یک روایت از ایا
Jill Lepore is a professor of history at Harvard University. She has spent years trying to produce a narrative from .page book, entitled “These Truths”, focusing on what Orwell has said-700 the United States and has written a Orwell says that every nation and every civilization needs a narrative, and when the narrative of a nation, a state and a civilization comes to a standstill, that is the starting point for the decline of that political system and that civilization. In other words, the American narrative today guarantees the survival of American civilization. 💬 Dr. Hassan Hosseini (Faculty Member at University of Tehran) 🔰🔰🔰🔰🔰 @ascenter