🕋🕋🕋🕋 دنيا گذرگاه عبور است، نه جاي ماندن، و مردم در آن دو دسته اند يكي آنكه خود را در دنيا مي فروشد و به تباهي مي كشاند، و ديگري آنكه خود را خريد و آزاد كرد. This world is a place for transit, not a place for stay. The people herein are of two categories. One is the man who sold away his self (to his passions) and thus ruined it, and the other is the man who purchased his self (by control against his passions) and freed it.... 🏴🏴🏴🏴🏴 🎯کانالی متنوع|کاربردی|دانشجوئی👇 ┏━━━✨welcome to✨ 🌸 @nahad_gmu ┗━━✨